Saturday 6 September 2014


           Gandiji said , “By education I mean an all round drawing up of the best in child and man, mind and spirit”. Education is necessary for the survival of the society. It is a purposeful activity,that produces changes in the behavior pattern of the individuals. This change in the behavior pattern of the individuals will produce changes in the behavior pattern of the individuals will produce changes in the society. Education is imparted through the various formal and informal agencies in the society , among them family,peergroup, school , community and state play dominant roles. The roles of state in education has been a subject of great controversy. The state control over educational should not be misunderstood with state monopoly of education. The compulsory function of the state are defence, maintenance of law and order and protection of people and property. Earlier the state was considered as a police state, but now the state is a welfare state.


               In the words of Aristotle, “The state is a union of families and villagers having for an end , a perfect and self sufficing life, by which we mean a happy and honorable life. A state exists for the  sake of good life and not for the sake of life only”
           According to J.L. Kandel , “ State may defined as an organized political community with govt. recognized by people”.   
        There is an intimate relationship between the state and the individual because, state exist only for the good of all its members,individually as well as collectively. State is the largest political group organized to rule the people. The special services of the state are welfare programmes, such as education , health services, water supply, transport and communication, trade and commerce, exploitation and utilization of natural resources, etc. All state are equipped with a large staff structure in different departments. The state has an executive legislature and judiciary.


   In olden days education was not the responsibility of the state. But now a days the most important functions of the state is the proper carry out of educational activities. In the olden days education was imparted by parents, religious teachers,etc in churches,family and monasteries. But as we step in to the modern period, we find a number of schools and  colleges growing up and functioning successfully in towns and at many other centers of learning, run both by govt. and private bodies.
         In the past education was for the classes and not for the masses. But with the emergence of democracy, education of all citizen is the primary responsibility of the state. In democracy people are the real masters and the state directly influenced by the educational level of its people. Hence democratic state must cater for the education of its masters.
                In the words of Prof.Laski ,”Education of the citizens is the heart of the modern state”.
                              State must plan for the utilization of human resources just as it does for natural resources. It must provide not only an adequate amount of education, but also an education of adequately high standard. A welfare state has been the right to compel attendance in schools by regulating child labour.

                          EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE

                  State possesses all possible means of effective control, direction and regulation of education.The state therefore can serve as the most useful agency for the entire country.So the state must perform the following functions related to education;

¨   Establishment of schools: State must take into account the educational needs of the people and establish schools for different levels such as primary,secondary and higher secondary to meet the requirements. The state should also co-ordinate these various institutions in such a way that the various types of investment in education is not wasted.
¨   Making primary education compulsory: The state must make education compulsory, free and  universal at least at primary stage. This is absolutely necessary not only for the mental development of people but also materialize the constitutional provisions. Hence the state must compel the parents to send their children to school.
¨   Providing finance for education: The state must provide enough funds for education.To guarantee equality of educational opportunities to all, special financial help should be given to the socially and financially deprived groups, in the form of scholarship,etc.
¨   Prescribing Aims and Goals : State must prescribe aims and goals of education. As private agencies may have vested interests this responsibility cannot be assigned to them.
¨   Framing of curriculum and text books: The state must frame curriculum and text books for various levels of education with the help of educationalist and other learned people.
¨   Planning Directing and Controlling educational activities: State control of education is in accordance with a properly laid down educational policy, based on the needs ideals and aspirations of the people. State maintains an educational department of its own for providing liberal and vocational education up to the highest standard. It also maintains one or more universities for providing higher education.
¨   Providing teachers,holding seminars and work shop for In-service personnel: The state must take up the responsibility of providing qualified and trained teachers. It must organize pre-service and in-service training programmes such as seminars and workshops for teachers,heads of departments, inspecting officers, etc. at national level and provincial level.
¨   Maintaining standards: The state must maintain educational standards . With the help of academicians and administrators it must prescribe a minimum standard on the basis of which examinations should be conducted at all levels.
¨   Appointing comities and commitions to survey and discuss the various aspects of educational planning and improve the same.
¨   The state must train young men and women in citizenship.
¨   The state must conduct research works with a view to solving problems in the field of education.
¨   Establishing State School Boards: The school boards will be responsible for the planning and development of all school education , according to the directives given up the state govt. from time to time.
¨   Exercise necessary and healthy control on educational institutions.
¨   Make provision for the learning of teachers and educators.
¨   Make provision for physical and if need give military education for youth.
¨   Encourage educational researches and inventions .
¨   To establish relationship between family and school.
¨   To help determine the aim of education conformity with national aims.
¨   Training in citizenship, cultural, economic, socio and politics.
                            The word ‘Democracy’ has been derived from two Greek roots- ‘Demos’ and ‘Cratia’ which means ‘public’ and ‘power’ respectively. Etimologically democracy means power of the people as a whole.
               The former president of America, Abraham Lincoln defines  Democracy as, “Democracy is a government of the people,by the people and for the people.”
             The social aspect of democracy means equality irrespective of caste, class, creed,sex and wealth. The economic aspect  of democracy implies that the economic power should be shared by the people.


“A government by the many” – Aristotle
“Democracy is a government in which everyday has to share”- Seely.
“Democracy is a way of life and not a mere political arrangement .It is based on the principle of equal freedom and equal rights for all regardless of race, religion, sex or economic status”              -Radhakrishnan University Education Commission.
               It is only  in recent times that democratic principles and values have entered the field of education. The impact of democratic tendency in education is evident on the working of the following elements;
ÿ      Provision of equal opportunities and recognition of individual differences : Each child is a scared and valuable entity of society, so equal opportunities are made available to one and all for their fullest development.
ÿ      Universal and Compulsory Education: In democracy the reigns of govt. remain in the hands of the people. Common people must be so educated that they develop themselves as responsible and dynamic citizens conscious of their rights and duties well aware with the govt. procedures and administrative process.
ÿ      Free education: The principle of universal and compulsory education involves free education to all irrespective of colour , caste, creed and sex. In all democratic countries , education has been made free up to a certain standard.
ÿ      Provision of Adult education : Under the influence of democratic tendency , in different countries emphasis is being laid up on adult education, women education and education for mentally retarded and physically handicapped. Night-school short-courses, one-day school and other schemes are being launched.

ÿ      Child – centered Education: Democratic tendency in different countries emphasis the importance of each child as scared individuality. Educational schemes and plans are so structured that each child receives full attention and full facilities to develop his individuality to the fullest extent.
ÿ      Method of teaching: Traditional and mass education methods are being gradually replaced by individual attention methods.Self learning devices are encouraged.
ÿ      Importance of individual attention: Individuals family background, his own interests, likes and dislikes, his needs and capacities are fully taken care off in all plans of educational development, the purpose being to achieve the maximum development of personality.
ÿ      Social Activities: Proper attention is paid to social, cultural and co-curricular activities, so that children develop in a wholesome way and gain more and more social experience.
ÿ      Student Unions : Students unions and students welfare associations are formed in institutions to promote student welfare associations are formed in institutions to promote student welfare in all spheres with the aim of achieving balanced dynamic, efficient and socially motivated personalities.
ÿ      Respect of Teacher’s Personality: Democratic philosophy respects teacher as a very dynamic and effective agency of social change for social progress.
ÿ      School Administration: It inculcates in children the sense of self discipline and self administration is being welcomed.
ÿ      School: School is now regarded as a centre of promoting national consciousness and international understanding.
The following are the important aims;
¥     Development of democratic value: The Success of democracy depends up on the quality of the citizens devoted to promote in children a sense of devotion to democratic values . Prime aim of education is to promote in children a sense of devotion to democratic values.
¥     Development of worthy interests: Interests from character and enrich a child’s life. If a large number of worthy interests are developed in children, they will be happy, well balanced and efficient as relevant.
¥     Development of vocational efficiency : Another important aim of democratic education is to develop vocational efficiency in children, so that they are able to become self –reliant and serve that nation as much as possible.
¥     Development of sound habits: Habit are the sources of good or bad conduct. Hence education should develop good habits in children from the very beginning to make democracy a successful venture.
¥     Development of thinking power: Education should develop in children the capacity to think clearly and take decisions confidently.
¥     Development of social outlook: Education should develop the sense of service and sacrifice , making them learn the sacredness of obligations and duties for the welfare of the nation to which they belong.
¥     Development of Harmonious personality : Another aim of democratic education is to develop the individuality of a child into balanced and harmonious personality . In the modern world of strife , stress and strain a balance and harmonious personality can only seek and find adjustment with the surroundings.
¥     Development of Leadership: Education should install in children the leadership qualities from the very beginning . They are the future citizens who will have to shoulder the multifarious duties  and responsibilities of their nation in all areas.
¥     Development of national and international feelings: Education should foster a sense of interdependence , international goodwill and fellow feeling. Then only the concept of world peace and prosperity will be a reality.
¥     Training for citizenship: Democratic education should impart of children training in dynamic and healthy citizenship.

          In a democratic country curriculum construction is done with the purpose of realizing democratic values. The bases of such a curriculum are as under;
ÑDiversified : Democratic curriculum is diversified to suit the needs of all children with basic differences of interests and aptitudes. Classroom activities ,games and sports etc bear an imprint of variety to suit various needs of children.
ÑAchievement of social aims : While constructing a democratic curriculum emphasis is laid upon social aims and values and development of social sense in children is kept in view.
ÑFlexibility : Democratic curriculum is flexible to accommodate various needs and requirements which are in a state of constant change.
ÑEmphasis on Local needs: Democratic curriculum is constructed on the basis of local needs and available resources . It may be changed according to the needs of time , place and local requirements.
ÑProvision of Vocational needs: Democratic very well meets the needs of vocations, professions and economic requirements of a region or the whole country, this enables the country to develop economically.
ÑEmphasis of Activity: Democratic curriculum is laid on foundation of an important principles known as learning by doing it is through practical work and activities that development of mind and intelligence is fostered.
ÑPlace for Leisure hour Activities : Democratic curriculum also contains such relevant and useful activities in which an individual can profitably indulge  during leisure time.
                      Democratic ideals and values exert a powerful influence upon the method of teaching also. Individuality of a child is regarded as a scared legacy in a democratic set up ,all methods of teaching are child centered. A fellow feeling among teachers and students, and concern for individual and social progress.

        Discipline is the cornerstone of democracy . Democratic discipline advocates
Self-discipline. A person should have disciplined mind which will ultimately lead to disciplined action.

           In a democratic set up a teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide. He often works as a social reformer.   Such teachers inspires and encourages the child.
        In democracy school administration is based upon democratic principles and democratic values. The school organisation is based upon democratic spirit. The headmaster ,the staff and students and the clerical staff all work as a team to run and develop the school to higher levels.  
              The word ‘Secularism’ was first used in the 19th century by George Jacob Holydake. It was derived from the Latin word ‘Saeculum’ meaning ‘this present age’.
Webster defines secularism as ,“A system of practices that rejects any form of religious faith and worship.
According to Brubacher secularism has “no religious  points of view while it has a theory of moral education “
Many positive steps have been taken to promote secularism in the country. It is laid down in the constitution that religious minorities are free to establish their educational institutions. Secularism is a philosophy of moral education. Secular behavior springs in the school from influence of the school, through the conduct and behaviors of the teachers themselves and life in the school, community as a whole.

JMoral out look : Secular education results in development of moral outlook. It is the foundation for development of character and moral development. It inculcates in students humanity ,truthfulness, tolerance, honesty, courtesy ,sympathy, etc.
JDevelopment of wider vision : Secular education develops in man a wider vision towards life and he takes interest in social service by satisfying his selfish motives.
JPluralistic Outlook : Secular education leads to the emergence of a healthy pluralist outlook which fosters the growth of science ,art, philosophy and even religion .
JDemocratic values : Secular education helps in developing democratic values like liberty, equality,fraternity and co-operative living.
JCultural developments : Secular education promotes scientific values of rationality objectivity and open-mindedness. It also promotes humanistic values like tolerance and compassion.
JSynthesis of spiritual and material : Secular education glorifies material needs and promotes reverence for earthly life without rejecting spiritual values. Secularism is based on fundamental human values.
JHumanitarianism : Secular education leads to humanitarianism. It stands for peace , goodwill, and understanding. It helps  in fostering the brotherhood of man and the unity of the world.

Aims of Education
P      Moral development and refinement.
P      Socialization.
P      Cultural Development.
P      Developing proper attitudes.
P      Helps on proper character formation and dedication , integrity and duty consciousness.
                           Syllabus should promote moral values . Religious instruction given should be direct and not indirect. By teaching history, literature, etc, human values should be promoted. Broad minded teachers should impart religious education.

              The term’Social Justice’ was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taprelli in 1840’s. Social justice also a concept that some use to describe the movement towards a socially just world. In this context social justice is based on the concepts of human rights, and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation income redistribution, etc. So social justice is the application of the concept of social justice is the application of the concept of social justice at a social scale.
     Justice are of three type- social , economic and political justice . Social justice indicate equality of all citizens before law .There shall be no discrimination against a citizen on the grounds of race , religion, caste,sex, or place of birth.Social justices enforces ;
F Compensatory education for the weaker section of the society.
F Avoid the use of caste names.
F Equal opportunities should be given to all children.
F Provide free education,meals,residential schools etc for the students.
F Give importance to mother tongue.
F Give importance to women education.                                                                                                                                      
  The state control over educational system should not be misunderstood with state monopoly of education. Freedom should be given to educationalists to organize education, subject to the overall control by the state. State control of education on healthy lines is a great necessity to make education a reality.


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