Monday 8 September 2014




          Major contribution of psychology is that the identification of individual differences. Individual psychology or differential psychology grew up in the 21st century. It is a universal truth that, members of the same species resemble each other in many aspects. We human beings also have so many common characteristics and are alike in some aspects. These common properties and characteristics distinguish lining species from one another. But no two members of the same species are exactly alike in all aspects. Being alike in some aspects the principle of Individual differences has so much influenced the education.


Individual difference mean that no two persons of the world are like each other. They differ in size, shape, appearance, speed of reaction etc. We can see that some are healthy and jolly while others are weak and irritable, some learn quickly and others slowly. In this way there exists difference in individuals. So “The difference between individuals that distinguish or separate from one another and make one as an unique individual in oneself are named as Individual Differences”.
According to wood worth – “Individual differences are found in all psychological characteristics physical abilities, mental abilities, knowledge, habits, personality  and character trait.
In the “Dictionary of Education” there are two different explanations given for the term individual difference by Cater B. Good.
1.                       Individual differences stand for the variations or deviations among individuals in regard to a single characteristic or a number of characteristics”.
2.                       Individual differences stands for “ those differences which is their totality, distinguish one individual from another”.


Individual differences may be divided into two broad types.

1.       Inter-Individual differences

The difference between two or more individuals is called interindividual differences, Different individuals in respect of physical , cognitive and psychological traits are called inter-individual differences.

2.       Intra-Individual differences

There  is variation within the same individual with regard to the various traits possessed by him or an individual differs from one trait to another within his own self. Such differences are called intraindividual differences. This mean difference is noticed in the same individual with respect to his various capacities, potentials, traits etc.


The pattern or the areas of individual differences is categorized into two 1) Physiological differences 2) Psychological differences.

1)      Physiological Differences

Physical differences among us are  related with the differences created on  account of the differences or variations in term of physical or physiological make up of our body.

2)      Psychological differences

The psychological make up or condition generate differences among as in term of varying intellectual potentialities, interests, attitudes, aptitudes, emotional, social and moral development etc.
The two broad classification of differences can be again  divided into subcategories.

1)      Physical differences

Individuals differ in height , weight, colour of skin, colour of eyes and hair, size of hands and heads, arms, feet, mouth and nose, facial expression, mannerism in speech, walk, hairstyle structure and functioning of the internal organs are included in the physical differences.

2)      Mental differences

People differ in intellectual abilities and capacities like reasoning and thinking power, power of imagination, creative expression, concentration etc. On the basis of there differences they are usually classified as idiot, inbecile, moron, monnm border line , normal, bright, very superior & genius.

3)      Difference in Motor Abilities

There exists wide differences in motor capacities such as reaction time, speed of action, steadiness, rate of muscular movement, inanual dexterity and resistance to fatigue etc.

4)      Emotional differences

Individuals differ in the manner they express their emotions. Some easily make a parade of their emotion while others hide their emotions. In some individuals positive emotion like love, affection. etc are more prominent where as others, negative emotion like hatred, anger etc. may be more prominent. Some are emotionally stable and mature while others are unstable and immature.

5)      Difference in social and moral development

Individuals differ much in social and moral behavior. Some are socially well adjusted while some others are found to be mal adjusted.
Some are morally found while some others are morally weak.

6)      Learning Differences

Some learn more easily and are able to make use of their learning more comfortably than others. For someone method or mode of learning or memorization is more suitable while the others do not adjust with it and are more comfortable with some other methods. In the same way suitability of learning environment also depends upon the individual nature of the learner.

7)      Difference in Aptitude and Interest

Some take interest in meeting people, attending social functions, and are very fond of picnics and group excursion, others feel happy in solitude , avoid social gatherings and are interested in meditations or enjoy company of books. And people have different aptitude, some have mechanical aptitude, while the others have scholastic, musical or artistic aptitude.

8)      Difference in Achievement

Differences exists in achievement and in knowledge even among individuals who have almost the same amount of intelligence and have been subjected to equal amount of schooling and experiences.

9)      Difference in Attitude , beliefs & openions

Individuals are found to possess varying attitude towards different people, groups, objects & ideas. Their attitude may be positive, negative or of somewhat indifferent nature. Similarly they differ in respect of beliefs, opinion and ideas. Some believe in one thing, others in another. Some are conservative & rigid while others are progressive, liberal and dynamic.


1)      Heredity

Heredity means the transfer of genetic characters from parents to offspring. By the heredity of an individual we mean all these inborn physical and mental trait that he inherits from his parents and ancestors. Every child comes into this world with certain physical and mental features which he got from his parents. He starts his life with a specific type of behavior and a certain sort of temperament. All these traits, mental and physical constitute his heredity.

2)      Environment

The difference in environmental stimulation and influences in the womb of the mother, varying conditions at the time of birth, and nutrition as well as care  received by the instants at the earlier stages, differences in the amount and nature of schooling, socio economic status of the family, race, caste and nationality, education of the parents, peer group relationship and so many other physical, emotional, mental or social environmental stimulation being a lot of differences in individual.
According to MacIver and page ; “Personality is the product of both heredity and environment”. Each trait requires there two factors.
Lamely, has beautifully described the relation between Heredity and Environment.”  Both are equally important in the personality development of a child.


The distribution of almost all the things in nature follows the pattern of a normal curve. Most of us are quite average in possession of attributes of our personality. Majority of us possess average weight, height, beauty & intelligence etc.
In the traditional practice in education, all children had been considered more or less alike. Consequently teaching a group of students admitted into a class, together was considered to be the ideal system for impaling education. No attention was paid to the individuality of the child. To day the principle of individual difference has very much influenced  the educational system. Under the circumstances in which education that was imparted only to the higher scrota of society has been interceded to all members of the society, their principle has  gained special significance. Knowledge of individual differences of pupil is of  immense significance to the teacher. The democratic approach is educational opportunities to all.


1.                 The teacher should learn that heredity is the base on which the edifice of personality is to be build
2.                 Guid the parents properly – certain peoples have only very low IQ. Parents may not know this, they are over ambition about their children aspire to prepare them for high profession.
3.                 Teacher should give them successful experiences and guide them educationally and occasionally.
4.                 Teacher should give them emotional security and stability for them to develop desirably.
5.                 The teacher should provide enrich providing enriching
environment, physical social, cultural and moral to the pupils.
6.                 Teacher should realize that heredity and environment are mightily forces that develop pupils personality one in the seed and  the other is the soil, both are important.
7.                 As far as possible , individualized method of instruction may be adjusted.
8.                 Teacher should have the awareness about the heterogeneous class room contain average, above average as below average students.
9.                 Consider pupils interest and attitude.
10.            Teacher should not impact uniformity is gaining proficiency or success of the students.
11.            Using proper evaluation technique to evaluate different
1)                   Proper knowledge of the individual’s potentialities :-
The first step in Making provision for the individual differences is to know about the abilities, capacities, interests, aptitude and other personality traits of the individual pupils. For this purpose, help from intelligence tests, cumulative record cards, interest inventories, attitude scales, Aptitude test and personality assessment tests should be tale on.
2)                   Ability Grouping :-
On the light of the results defined from various tests of knowingi individual potentialities in various dimensions, the students in a class or area of activity can be divided into homogeneous groups. Such division can prove homogeneous groups. Such division can prove beneficial in adjusting instruction to varying individual differences.
3)                   Adjusting the curriculum :-
To meet te requirement of varying individual difference among the pupils the curriculum should be as flexible and differentiated as possible. It should have the provision for a number of  diversified courses and co-curicular experiences so that the pupil may get opoportunity to study and work in the area of their own interests and abilities. It should provide adjustment suiting the local requirements and potentialities of students in different groups.
4)                   Adjusting the method of Teaching :-
Every teacher should be somewhat free to formulate his own plan and strategy and adjust instructional procedure which he finds most suited to the particular types of pupils under him. He should try to follow a different procedure or method of instruction suiting the requirements of varying ability groups of his pupils.
5)                   Reduce  the class size :-
Class size should be reduced, when there is large number of students in class it is difficult to learn each & every students. By reducing class size the teacher can identify each & every students & cater individual differences.
6)                   Adopting special programmes or method for individual ising instructions :-
Schools may also adjust like pattern plan, the winnekta plan, the project method or use the students to learn to their own individual rate.
7)                   Other measures of individualizing  instruction:-
1)                 Teacher should try to pay individened alteration to the group[ under instruction.
2)                 Class-size should be reduced
3)                 The teacher should keep in view that the individual differences & his students while arguing them in drill or practice work in the class room or assigning home task.
4)                 In case, where ability grouping is not possible and more
specifically under the prevalent system of class finishing special coaching and guidance programmes for both the dull and the gifted children is most helpful.


There exists wide individual differences among human beings. Individual difference means the difference among  individuals that distinguish  or separate from one another. It may be psychological or physical. The problem of individual differences can be tackled with multi dimensional tasks. The teacher, school authorities, the parents. The teacher, school authorities, the parents as the Government as well as voluntary agencies –all should join hands to meet the individual requirements of children who possess tremendous individual differences.

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