Monday 8 September 2014


                             The term Sociology has been derived from the two words ‘Societus’ and ‘logos’ which means society and science. Sociology of education may be defined as the scientific analysis of the social patterns involved in the educational system.
                              The sociology of education includes the analysis of the relationship of the relationship of the educational system to other aspects of society. This analysis is done with respect to several subdivisions.
v The functions of education in the culture.
v The relationship of the educational system to the process of social control and the power system.
v The function of educational system in the process of social and cultural change or in the maintenance of the status.
v The relationship of education to the social class or status system.
vThe functioning of the formal educational system in the relationship among racial ethnic and other groups.
Value of The Sociology of Education
1.Stress on Professional or vocational Education : The sociological tendency lays stress on enabling the child to earn his livelihood through professional education.
2.Opposition to Individualism : The sociological tendency was born out of reaction to individualism. It stresses the importance of society as against the individual.
3.Social Progress as the aim of Education: Social welfare is the aim ascribed to education by the sociological tendency. Children should be trained only for this through a system of free and compulsory education . This should make them responsible members of society.
4.Faith in Democracy: In democracy, education s based on the co-operation between the state and society, and besides the success of democracy depends upon the education its members.
5.Classification of Social problems: The sociological tendency classifies social problems and suggests ways and means of solving them through education. Many social reforms can be brought about by education and it can create an entirely new generation when may be free of the defects inherent  in the older generation.
6. Raising The Standard of Social life: The sociological aim of education is to raise the standard of social life by achieving the child’s comprehensive development. Education must train the individual to fulfill his social responsibilities.
7.Importance to Social life in the school: Educational sociology is the application of sociological principles in the society. It is now suggested that authorities should encourage the formation of committees which train  the child for later social life.
8.Education as an agency of Social progress : According to sociologists education is the best means of social control, social change and thus finally of social progress.
             Educational sociology is the study of education from the sociological standpoint. It is the study of the interrelationship of education and social system. It centers upon the study of social institutions and their role in education.
                  The scope of sociology of education includes the study of relationship of education to the other aspects of  social system particularly kinship , social stratification, political organization knowledge and attitudes to knowledge.

1) Education and Kinship:
    Both educational and kinship are important institutions of socialization in a society. In the kinship system the most important role towards socialization is performed by parental family. Family is an enduring association of parents and children.Its main functions are ;
Ä Socialization of the child.
Ä Social agency for the education and protection of the race.
Ä Child acquires important qualities like sincerity, sympathy, self submission and consciousness of responsibilities from family.
Ä It is the character developed in the family which helps the child in  becoming an important responsible member of society.
Ä It gets an opportunity to the child for free expression of thoughts and development of his entire personality.
Ä The tendencies and habits which he acquires in the family.
2)The School asocial System
          After the home , the child is exposed to the school which also influences him. It socializes him , it gives an opportunity to manifest his qualities , instincts , drives and motives and helps to develop his personality. For the child , the educator’s personality and character provide a model which he strives to copy, there by consciously or unconsciously moulding his personality. The teachers who succeed in arousing in the child’s mind an attachment and love for themselves. Every little action, every movement , speech,etc impresses on child’s mind.
                       A part from the teacher the child is also influenced by his school group plays a large part in determining the status and role he is to occupy in society in later life. In the school the child is disciplined . He is aware that disobedience brings immediate punishment , but too strict a system of discipline restricts the child’s mental growth and may even drive him to criminal activity.
3) Education and Social Stratification : Social stratification governs the type of education which a particular individual will be able to secure . This is clear from the influence of castes, religious groups and classes upon education in India.
a) Influence of Castes :
                             The caste which determines the individual’s status and position in the social hierarchy. The caste system which we understand today with all its peculiarities is found in India alone. India is classical land of the caste . It is here in India, we found more than 2800 castes and sub castes with all their peculiarities. Of these the major caste such as Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Viaishyas and Shudras are found in almost all states.
                                   In the caste , the professions and occupations of the lower castes are predetermined and fixed, and the child aims at adopting the occupation of his own caste. Since the child  is almost compelled to adopt the same profession as his forefathers. This creates very undesirable prejudies and gives rise to narrow mindedness in the child. Although there are some advantages in adopting the hereditary occupation, it is undeniably unscientific in that it fails to consider the individual differences of the children and does not consider the actual stability of the child to that particular occupation.
b) Impact of Religious groups:
                           India is land of various religions such as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains, etc. most of these religious groups  have established and are maintaining many religious schools in which general religion is taught, along with their own respective religious teaching most of these schools try to include a particular set of religious principles in the educand.
c) Impact of Classes : Social class has the most potential influence on the child. On the one hand , we find a steady breakdown of discrimination based on religion and caste, but on the other we find a growing consciousness of the class one comes from , thus intensifying the feeling of difference . This awareness that one belongs to the lower , middle or upper class is communicated to the child also. Consequently children coming from the lower classes start with feeling of infeority many of them turn to criminal activity , because children from the upper classes find pleasure in displaying their superiority which has already created in them  and vanity and a number of other ignominious emotions and statements. Political ideologies also reinforces this awareness of the difference of class.
4. Education and the Political system. 
                    In modern societies , one finds that education is provided in government controlled institutions as well as privately managed institutions. In present day every government, be it totalitarian or democratic , must contribute to education. There is no doubt that in democracy the government is elected by the people, but it cannot be denied that the people themselves cannot evolve an educational pattern which may look after the educational needs of every individual. And at the same time it is also realized that democracy cannot be successful in the absence of universal education. Hence modern democratic states play a large part in educational planning and organization.
5) Education and the attitude to Knowledge :
              The sociologist is interested in the social attitude towards the sources , the limits and the validity of knowledge. With the change in these social attitudes one finds a considerable interest in the interaction among educators and the education in educational institutions.
             The attitude to knowledge has considerably changed in the modern times. The growth of knowledge in all directions, the substitution of new and some times absolutely opposite theories for the older ones, have lead to the growing realization that no knowledge is final. Knowledge is unlimited and can be achieved by innumerable means. The sociologist is interested in knowledge how the changes in the attitude to knowledge influences teacher-taught relationship, inter teacher relation, teacher’s role in society , teacher administrator relationship, in brief all interaction with in the educational system.
6) Interaction with I Educational System :
               The most important area in the scope of sociology of education is interaction with in the educational system. The deeper analysis of the interactions with in the educational system will give a better insight in the scope of sociology of education.
a)   Teacher Administrator Relationship:
                             The administrator is the employer or agent of the employer. He is the leader the supervisor and the guide of the teachers. The way of teaching is very much influenced by teacher administrator relationship. The nature of the administrator according to the type of management. A good relationship will promote the functional relationship of teachers  interest and professional efficiency and vice versa.
b)  Teacher -teacher relationship:
                            This relationship may be fraternal or marred by rivalry. While the fraternity results in co-operation , team spirit and goodwill , rivalry leads to mudslinging, favoritism and factionism. Even in small institutions or university or college departments two or more camps may be found among teachers giving vent to jealousy and rivalry against each other.
c)   Student –student interaction:
                              The interaction among students is governed by age, sex, classes, study habits extra curricular activities and so many other factors. The most intimate interaction is provided by the classroom situation. The most important dimension for improving interaction is provided by extra curricular activities, the debuting societies, the dramatic clubs, literary association, teams for sports and games. All these provided scope for more intimate relationships resulting in deeper interactions. The educational sociologist analyses the condition of student to student interaction the cohesiveness and divisive forces, the consequences, the factors of social change and social control.

d)  Teacher –taught relationship:
                        This relation was formalistic, today it is contractual . Formerly the teacher himself laid down the rules of admission, syllabi, teaching schedules, teaching methods and practically every detail of education. Today the rules and syllabi are framed by experts or the government bodies while schedule is prescribed by the principal or the time table in charge. Age, Teacher’s status, attitude of knowledge, image of teacher in society , mode of standardization, etc governs teacher –taught relationship.

                 The scope of sociology of education is the study of the inter relationship of education and the social system. It may be noted that the scope and type of interaction between the educators and the education today becoming more complex and changing fast. This requires an occasional review by the sociologists of education.


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  2. How does stereotyping and prejudice of learners by members of staff lead to undesirable consequences?

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