Friday 26 December 2014

Aims of education in India in the context of Democratic, Secular, Egalitarian and Humane society

Aims of education in India in the context of Democratic, Secular, Egalitarian and Humane society

‘’Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself’’ – John Dewey
The importance of aims and objectives of education is recognised by all the educational, professional, political, nonpolitical and religious associations, organizations and groups at various levels in their memoranda, letter and  brouchures .It is said that education without clear cut aims is like a rudderless ship.
Education is a purposeful activity. Like all purposeful activities it has certain well defined aims and objectives. Modern India is a Secular Democratic Republic and wants to establish a socialistic pattern of society.

The word Democracy has been derived from two Greek roots ’’ Demos ‘’ and ‘’Cratic’’ which means power and public respectively. Hence Etimologically Democracy means Power of the people as a whole.
‘’Democracy is the form of government in which the ruling power of the state is legally vested not in any particular individual or class but in the members of the community as a whole’’.
Democracy and Aims of Education
1      Development of Democratic values
            The success of Democracy does not depend up on legislative buildings and massive structures of Parliament houses, but it rests up on the quality of the citizens devoted to Democratic values. As such, the prime Aim of Democratic Education is to promote in children a sense of devotion to Democratic values. No book teaching can achieve this aim unless children are provided with opportunities to practice Democratic norms and standards of behavior. In fact, a child learns to live Democratically by living Democratically. Hence, the whole Educational set up of a school should reflect the values of Democratic Philosophy.
2     Development of worthy interests
    Interest form character and enrich a child’s life. To achieve this aim, children should be provided with various and varied opportunities to participate in diverse activities and programmes in all field of human life. If large number of worthy interests are developed in children, they will be happy, well-balanced and efficient as citizens.
3     Development of vocational efficiency
     For the success of a democratic set up, economic contentment of citizens is a must .An indigent and poor person can be a victim of all kinds of allurements, inducements and exploitation by the resourceful and the powerful. Hence, the third aim of democratic education is to develop vocational efficiency in children, so that they are able to become self –reliant and serve the nation as much as possible.
4    Development of sound habits
      The fourth aim of democratic education is to develop sound habits in children. Habits are the sources of good or bad conduct. Hence, education should develop good habits in children from the very beginning to make democracy a successful venture.

5     Development of thinking power
       The fifth aim of democratic education is to develop thinking power of children. In fact ,children of today are citizens of tomorrow when they will  be confronted with all land of problems in political, social and economic fields. Education should develop in children the capacity to think clearly and take decisions confidently.
6     Development of social outlook
        This aim emphasizes upon the fact that children should be imbued with the sense that they are the integral parts of society, the welfare of which should be their ideal. Not only this, they should learn to live and die  for the nation. Education should develop this sense of service and sacrifice making them learn sacredness of obligations and duties for the welfare of the nation to which they belong.
7     Development of harmonious personality
         In the modern world of strife, stress and strain, a balanced and harmonious personality can only seek and find adjustment with the surroundings. Hence, education should develop character, dynamism and social outlook for this purpose.
8     Development of leadership
       Education should instill in children the leadership qualities from the very beginning .They are the future citizens who will have to shoulder the multifarious duties and responsibilities of their in all areas. Their character, strength of will, insight, courage of convictions, clarity of thinking and decision-making will be the foundations on which the national edifice will go up and up.
9     Development of national and international feelings
     For the success of democracy, the ninth aim of education is to develop in children the sense of ardent nationalism and devotion to international brotherhood. It may be noted that the two are not contradictory. On the other hand, they are mutually complementary and supplementary. In fact a nation cannot exist in isolation. All the nations of the world are mutually interdependent. Hence, education should foster the sense of interdependence, international goodwill and fellow -feeling. Then only, the concept of world peace and prosperity will be reality.
10  Training for citizenship
         Democratic education should impart to children training in dynamic and healthy citizenship. For this , education should instill in children-
(1)     Capacity to distinguish between propaganda and reality of the country
(2)    Capacity to think and decide about issues
(3)    Economic efficiency
(4)    Conciousness of one’s rights and duties
(5)    Capacity to shoulder responsibility
(6)    Development of diverse interests
(7)    Sense of service and sacrifice
(8)    Good use of leisure hour
(9)    Development of human qualities as love , sympathy , fellow feeling , co-operation , sense of nationalism and internationalism
(10)             Healthy and dynamic outlook about problems , good behavior and respect for moral values.


The word secularism is derived from the Latin word’ Saeculum’ means ’this present age ’.Secularism came to be known as social and ethical system. It primarily emphasize on natural and cultural improvements of human beings.


Secularism can be defined as, ‘’a system of doctrines and practices that rejects any form of religious faith and worship’’.

Secularism and aims of education

1. Secular education develops a moral out look
2. Secular education helps in the development liberal attitudes and values
3. It develops wider vision
4. It develops an attitude of appreciation and understanding of others point of view
5. It develops democratic values and humanistic outlook
6. Secular education synthesis materialism and spiritualism
7. Secular education serves as an antidote to religious fanaticism and hatred

The term EGALITARIAN is derived from the French word "égal", meaning "equal" or "level", and was first used in English in the 1880s, although the equivalent term "equalitarian" dates from the late 18th Century.. An egalitarian favours equality of some sort: People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, in some respect. People should be treated as equals, should treat one another as equals, should relate as equals, or enjoy an equality of social status of some sort. Equality of opportunity could be fully satisfied in a society in which wealth passed along by inheritance from generation to generation fundamentally determines everyone's competitive prospects. In this society jobs and positions and so on would be open to all applicants.
  Every human being has the right to live with dignity. And in an egalitarian society all have equal right to participate in socio-political decision making. Many peoples in our find it difficult to live with dignity; due to poverty – defined as lack of control on socio-economic and political factors effecting their lives. The reasons behind this deprivation can be seen as: one, lack of control over the means of production; and two, lack of opportunities to develop capabilities.Education directly effects the personal capabilities of individuals, and thereby, of sections of society. Educational equality plays a greater role in bringing social equality.

Aim of Education in an Egalitarian society
{ To eradicate the in equality in our society through making aware of their rights and duties.
{ To develop the capabilities of individuals to lead a life with dignity.
{ To obtain justice for the weaker sections of the community.
{ To provide equally valuable educations that give students a rich set of options for the future.
{ To bring social equality.
{ To develop the value of democratic citizenship.
       In a humane society human beings are prominent. Education in a humane society is a gradual and unhurried process in which the development of human character follows the unfolding of nature. In this Students should be able to choose what they want to learn, because students will be motivated to learn a subject if it's something they need and want to know. Humanistic educators believe that both feelings and knowledge are important to the learning process.
Humanistic educators insist that schools need to provide students with anon threatening environment so that they will feel secure to learn. Once students feel secure, learning becomes easier and more meaningful.
Aim of Education in a Humane Society
Ø The goal of education should be to foster students' desire to learn and teach them how to learn.
Ø Students should be self-motivated in their studies and desire to learn on their own.
Ø The focus on the social and emotional well-being of the child, as well as the cognitive.
Ø Development of a healthy self-concept, awareness of the psychological needs, helping students to strive to be all that they can.
Ø The goal of humanistic education is to contribute to the development of energetic, positive, self-respecting, caring human beings who can meet all challenges. 
Ø Through education learners can attain social, affective and intellectual developments.
The family being a small social unit, young children can easily understand their position and realise their rights and obligations in an adequate manner. The foundations laid in the family should be consolidated and extended in the school. While preparing curricular and co curricular activities we have to consider the values of democratic secular egalitarian and humane society.


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