Tuesday 15 December 2015


Duties and responsibility of H.M
A headmaster as the educational supreme authority holds the key position in a become an important person of the school. He has two major responsibilities [1] administration of the school and [2] personal supervision of the teaching-learning process. Everything of the school, thestaff, thecurriculum, methods and techniques of teaching,co-curricular activitiesetc. is organized by him.
                      The efficiency of the school depend on the ability skill personality, professional experience of the headmaster. He is the sun around which the education planet are being spinning. According to P.C when “what the main spring is to watch, the flywheel to the machine or the engine to the steamship, the headmaster to the school.
The school character reflects and proclaims the professional skill of a headmaster. He is the seal and the school is the wax. He is an organizer, leader, governor, business director, coordinator, superintendent, idealteacher, guardians teaching and non-teaching staff.
The school headmaster has so many duties and responsibilities to be carried out for the smooth and efficient functioning of the school some of his duties are listed.
[1] Organizational and administrativeduties: to hold the periodic staff meetings to discuss important matters concerned with the school and to take decisions, delegate duties and works to staff members and execute school programs. He has to be in touch with the educational department and carry out the duties assigned by the government from time to time.
[2] Maintenance of school building and infrastructure.
[3]arranging academic authorities and co-curricular activities :the headmaster  should complete schools admission for the commencement of the academic year, supervise the works of teachers, arrange final exams, complete the progress records and cumulative records of the students ,arrange the announcement of result and issue of school leaving certificates and prepare annual report of this school
4. Office works:-prepare school records, supervise the works of administrative staff, frame school time table and purchase necessary stationary items books and equipment for the school.
5. Maintainingdiscipline
6. Institutional Planning
7. Teaching
8. Maintaing good relation
9. Supervision
10. Guidance
11. To bring about in the curriculum and the method of Institution

Qualities of Headmaster
(a) Sound and educational Philosophy : a good headmaster should have a Sound Philosophy of a life…from this he evolves  a sound philosophy of sound education all school plans, policies and methods organize from this philosophy
(b)       High scholarship: the headmaster, it he is to command the respect of his colleagues and the community, should be a man of high scholarship. HC must be there headmaster not by appointed but by his superior ability and character. He should not only know his own subject of specifications, but also the latest trend and ides in other subjects
(c)        Professional training: Only a highly trained headmaster can show the way in techniques in teaching, he must study educational journals and latest book on education. He should participate in educational seminars and workshops, HC must have a progressive at look
(d)       Expert in human relationship: the headmaster had to deal with teachers, peoples and their parents. He should recognize the good work done by all of them. He should be an expert in human relation ship
(e)       Sound physical and mental health: the headmaster has to exert himself all through the day. Hence he should try to maintain both physical and mental health he must guard himself organ of any frustration. Intelligent planning and bud getting will receive him of several worries.
(f)Qualities of personality: the headmaster possess all the qualities of a good leader. He should be industrious, honest, dedicated and impartial. He must have a good sense of humor. Lofty sense of duty, broad sympathy, sound judgment power of insight, love of work, originality, initiative, self-control, organizing ability, firmness and purity of character should be the hall mark of a good headmaster
The head of an educational institutional is responsible for the harmonious development of the institution as a whole. He sets the tone and standard of the institution. He has to coordinate and integrate all factors that affect the general conditions required for carrying out the out the educational process. The head of the institution is the leader of a group, the members of which are expected to be working together to accomplish the same purpose. He should be the aware of his role and responsibilities. The head of the institution should be prompted and punctual in playing his roles as an organizer, as supervisor, as a teacher, as a leader, as an administrator as a coordinator.
(a)           As an organizer: the head of the institution must systematically organize the routine work of the institution
(b) As a supervisor: supervision should be comprehensive. Its scope covers all the activities of the schools.
(c)  As a teacher: one of the most important functions that the head of the institutions is called to discharge curtail teaching
(d) As a leader: to be successful head of an institutional one should become an effective leader
(e) As an administrator: administration is a very complex process which involves planning, programming, organizing, staffing, training, controlling, implementing, monitoring, evaluation etc...
(f)   As a coordinator: the head of the institution has to keep his finger on and feel the pulse of the work to ascertain the strength and weakness of each teacher of his school.

Five Key Responsibilities

       Shaping a vision of academic success for all students
       Creating a climate hospitable to education
       Cultivating leadership in others
       A profile in leadership
       Managing people, data  and processes
       Improving school leadership

Headmaster Help set goals for their schools that align with federal state parent expectations this includes proficiency on standardized tests as all levels in high schools, graduate rule and average test scores on college placements test like the ACT and SAT are also goals
 Principle play a role in the student discipline in their schools this includes educating students, and open parents on behavioral conduct codes. Principle also develop a system of consequences for miss behavioral that is in line with school distract policies and may include detentions and suspension. In some schools, the principal also plays a lead role in implementing discipline. If a student gets into troubles in a class, he is sent to the principal office. The principal discuss the behavior, explains any potential consequences and contacts parents in some circumstances. In extreme cases of violence or illegal activities, the principal may refer a student to the school board or possible expulsion.

General Records
School  Calender : The School  calendar is mirror  where the proble dates of various events and activities to be done during the coming session are reflected . It is usually prepared at the beginning of each academic session. It should contain the following stems of information .
I.       Information about the general, local and gazette holidays
II.    Dates for the submission of monthly, quarterly, holidays and annual reports and returns
III.  Dates of monthly, quarterly and annual examinations
IV . Dates of the meetings of the school and faculty committees, Teachers                                                 associations, different societies, school excursions and educational tours,     school tournaments ctc….
V.       Dates of  important school information like the annual prize day, the parents day, Independence day, Republic day, Birthday.
Log Book : The Log book is specifically designed for the purpose  of containing remarks of the school inspectors or other important officers of the education department, who pay an official visit to the school. But it should not be confined to the remarks of the inspecting officers only. It should contain a complete record of the important events that occur during the session. It should also contain the history of the school of the of a particular year.
Visitors book : During the course of an academic year, a number of important visitors, Inspectors and other guests pay visits to the school. Their opinions and suggestions may be very helpful for improving the working of the institution in future. A look in to the visitors book tells a great deal about an institution
Service Registers : The Service book contains the service history of the employees. Information like the employee’s date of appointment, his date of birth, educational qualifications, identification, permanent home address, transfer, leave accounts, date of increments, reversion if any of reinstatement etc… are carefully written in this book . The original service book is kept in the custody of the headmaster in the secondary school.
Admission Registers : It is record of all the pupils who are admitted to a school. According to departmental rules, the admission register is to be reserved permanently in the school . Therefore, it is essential that it should be got specially bound and kept in safe custody. It is to be free from mistakes because this register is at time required by superior authorities in a court  of law is an evidence for  the date of birth of the pupils. The admission register should contain the following items
1.     The serial number and name of the pupil
2.     His fathers name, caste, occupation and address
3.     His date of birth
4.     Date of admission to the school
5.     The class which he is admitted
6.     Date of withdrawal of migration from the school
Fee- Collection Registers : When Pupils pay fee, details of the payment entered in a register and a receipt issured to tha effect. The Fees are handled over to the office in time . Fee concessions and scholarships are also sometimes granted  to pupils. Records for them also have to be maintained.
Educational Records
Pupils attendance register : Attendance register sis a very reliable prof of a pupils presence in the institution. The teacher should therefore maintain this record very carefully and should not allow anybody to handle or deal with this important basic document . The teacher’s attendance register also should be handled by the head of the institution very carefully.
Teacher’s attendance registers : To record  the daily attendance   of the teachers, schools maintain the teacher’s attendance register. This shows the time of arrival and  departure of  the teachers on each day the teachers are to sign  regularly in the for noon and afternoon every day. Time of arrival of the late comers should be indicated leave  taken by (he teachers during the should be kept outside the room of the head masters. When the first period starts. It should go to the  headmaster for verification.
Class timetable & General Timetable :- the  teacher should learn the process of contracting a class timetable , teacher’s timetable and master timetable are drawn in most of the schools. Timetable can also be made for sports and games, homework etc……..
Monthly progress registers : After every examinations detailed report about the progress of a student is sent to the parents. In some schools, this is done through pupils diaries. This arrangement serves as a link between the school and the home, and the childs progress is thus properly watched by all concerned.
Terminal Examination registers : After examination the marks and progress of the pupil are not in a register. Examination registers in very important documents. The board of examination concerned depends on the entries made in these records. The class teachers should exercise great care in entering the marks. They should take the help of their colleagues in comparing and verifying the marks. The signature of the headmaster should also be obtained in this register after every examination.
Headmaster’s supervision registers :- Super vision and administration are two combined functions which are mostly blended in one supervision is improving the total teaching learning situation. This situation is no more “detection or fault finding”. A headmaster should follow the following principles of supervision.

        Its purpose is to help, encourage and guide rather than criticize.
        It should be done in a spirit of occupation.
        It should be done regularly and effectively.
        Partiality and prejudice should find no place in it.
        The criteria of supervision should be known to teachers.
Cumulative records :- A cumulative records is a document in which the relevant information about a particular students at  one educational institution is recorded cumulatively. This gives a complete and growing picture of the individual students, which helps him during his long stay at the school and at the time of living it, in the solution of his manifold problems of educational, vocational, personal and social. It follows the pupil from class to class and from school.
Equipment records
Stock book of furniture and school appliances :- This register keeps information of all the movable properly of the school while purchasing equipment or furniture it must be duly entered in this properly register. The it must be duly entered in this property register. The head  of the institution should check this register . The head of the institution should check this register Physically at least once in a year verification report should be recorded in the stock register. It can show which a sticles are missing and which need immediate repairs the register should contain the following information.
Stock and issue register of sports material :- In a school, Various articles are purchased. Furniture, stationery, books, science- equipment, sports material etc. are some  of the main items. It is very important to maintain stock registers for these articles in order to keep a check on their use.
Account Books
Cash book for daily receipt and expenditure :  Cash book is a record of all money transaction accruing from day to day in the school money received by the school from different sources like fees, fines, donation, stipends, scholarship, grant-in aid are entered on the credit side 
                  Powerful tool to evaluate performance management  is the performance appraisal.Performance appraisal is to assess the performance of an individual in relation to the objectives,activities,outputs and targets of a job over a given period of time.It is generally done in systematic ways.which are as follows ;
a)   The supervisors will compare the pay of employees  with the targets and plans
b)  The supervisors will analyse the factors behind work performance of employees
c)    The employers role is to guide the employees for a better performance                  

           1)To provide feed back to employees about their          performance and status
    2)To assess the potential present in a person for further growth and development
3)To retain and review the promotional other training programmes
4)It serves as the basis for influencing working habits of the employees
5)To identify strength and weakness of an employee yo place right men on right job
6)To maintain the potential present in a person for further growth and development
 It helps to provide additional training to employees
 It helps to provide valuable information to the employees
 Performance appraisal system can motivate the efficient employees  by providing the promotion programmes
 It helps to create compensation packages for employees. Merrit rating is possible through performance appraisal
 It helps the supervisors to understand the validity and importance of the selection procedure.Because the supervisors know the validity and there by strengths and weakness of selection procedure
 Performance appraisal play the role of motivation also. Through evaluating performance of employees , a persons efficiency can be determined if the targets are achieved
 Effective communication between employers and employees are necessary for an organization. Following factors ensure effective communication;    
        A)Through performance appraisal the employees can                
            understand  and accepts skills of subordinates
        B)The subordinates can also understand and create a  
            a trust  and confidence in superiors
        C)It develops spirit of work
       1)It is more time consuming
      2)It creates very stressful environment
      3)If not done properly can be a negative experience and     
           also can be a complete waste of time
          4)If the process is not a pleasant experience, it has the
         Potential to discourge employees
                    The main quality of a classroom process is a function of how effectively a teacher conduct his or her class.Teacher performance appraisal is a performance management system for school based teachers,designed to evaluate the performance  level of individuals in order to achieve high levels of school performance.This system helps the teachers to provide meaningful appraisals that encourage professional learning and growth.
a)To provide a basis for paying compensation
b)To determine levels of competence
c)To increase teacher efficiency,effectiveness and good   performance
d)To improve accountability levels within the school
e)To provide a basis for decisions on mechanism to recogonise good performance
f)To ensure that teachers perform their duties with integrity and maintain a positive vigilant attitude towards all learning activities
1)To minimize subjectivity through open
discussion  throughout   the appraisal process
2)To use teachers performance appraisal instrument professionally,consistently and uniformly
3)To ensure fairness by taking into account relevant contextual factors that impact on teacher performance
4)To provide feedback on the appraisal process by focusing on;
       a)focus on performance,not on personality
       b)availability on evidence and not on assumptions
       c)objectivity and not on subjectivity
       d)the specific and not general
       e)the concrete and not the abstract

a)Pedagogical content knowledge-PCK
                   Pedagogical content knowledge is otherwise known as craft knowledge.It is the combination of both pedagogy and content.It provides to attain integrated knowledge representing teachers accumulated wisdom with respect to the teaching practice;pedagogy,students,subject matter and the curriculum.
b)knowledge of delivery methods
                  Teaching is an art for experienced teachers.Experienced teacher has their own unique qualities include a passion for their subject and an ability to transfer it to the leaners, sound knowledge and excellent communication.A good teacher develops culuture and academic knowledge to their students
c)Understanding the learning process
                 There are four essential process for understanding the learning process.They are;
 Synthesising
 Organising
 Memorising
 Communicating
  d)Curriculum alignment
                   Curriculum alignment is otherwise known as curriculum mapping.It is formally evaluate a course or an educational programmes to address the changing needs of student and the work force.In case of public schools, curriculum alignment is an important part of curriculum. It follows certain principles like with the wheels being curriculum,instruction,standards and assessment.Curriculum alignment helps to modify courses and programmes to better target students post secondary success and make better use of resources of the school.And it also helps to reduce remediation.
 e)Students achievement data in planning of instruction
               Assesment can help to improve education.The organizational conditions are necessary to make decisions regarding the students achievement data in classroom and schools.If teacher have information that helps them confidently identify the root of educational challenges and traxkprogress,they can more reality develop action plans that will have a positive impact on their students.All teachers share acommongoal;to see every students succeed,students achievement data include teacher observational notes of students performance in class,samples of students class work, students portfolio, results of formal and informal class room assessment,attendancedata,behavioural incident data and homework completion concentration data etc……
  f)Classroom management
          It is a term used by teachers and is to make a classroom run smoothely and effectively.This covers;
       Building community
       Create a variety of communication channels
       Always be calm , fair and consistent
       Integrate positive classroom rituals
       Design a safe , friendly and well managed classroom environment etc……                   
g) Technology as a tool in classroom
            Classroom technology has become very popular . Teacher do use techonolgy – for administrative,personal productivity and displaying content via projectors and document cameras have google tools knowledge , google earth knowledge , wiki knowledge, spread sheet skills, data base skills, presentation tools, web 2.0 tools etc……

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