Friday 11 December 2015



Dear Students,

      A few various situations are given.  Three options are given for each situation.  Choose one from the three options, according to what you do.  There is no right or wrong answer.  Mark your honest response.  Your first response is the best response.
      Now read each situation carefully and mark your response in the answer sheet with 'ü' (tick mark).  Your response will be kept confidential and will be used only for research purpose.
1.    Select only the most suitable response.
2.    Kindly do not write anything in the question paper.
3.    Mark responses for all the questions.
Method of karking responses
Sl. No.

1.    Kitchen dirt's and other wastes from my home
      a.    Dump in to biogas plants    
      b.    Throw away in to the surrounding  s    
      c.    Make a small pit and dump waste on it
2.    Four members in a family are working on different institutions at the same place. Each members have their own vehicles. Then,
      a.    If we want to reach at their own time, it is good to go by their      own cars
      b.    It is a matter of prestige and pride to go by their own cars
      c.    It is advisable to go together in a car
3.    I will always carry a bag while going to shop
      a.    If I forgot to carry the bag, I will buy a new one
      b.    I used to buy new plastic bags and carry shopping things.
      c.    I'll always keep a bag with me.
4.    Most of them are using disposable glasses and plates even if they have enough chance to use steel and glass plates.
      a.    It is easy to use and throw disposable glasses
      b.    I'll try to avoid the chances to use disposable  glasses and plates
      c.    I' ll warn people who are using disposable glasses
5.    Plastic materials are disposed using these measures.
      a.    Plastic materials are burned
      b.    plastic materials are thrown away  through windows just of the difficulty to dispose in the proper place.
      c.    Put plastics in the waste basket and then  dispose them at the plastic treatment plants.
6.    We should never forget the thing that while we use energy resources, it is for the next generation too
a.    I will switch off each and every electronic equipments regularly           after use.
      b.    Most of the time I am forgetting to switch of electronic   equipments as I was hurry and left rooms.
c.    I’m carefull about thelights and fans at my home but I’m careless about it while at schoolsor any other places.
7.    What will be your response to the one who is going to cut trees from his own land to build a home.
      a.    I never allow him to cut trees
      b.    It is his right to cut trees from his own land
      c.    It we decrease the usage of trees wood and plant more trees, we      can cut down trees.
8.    By which mean you like most to travel?
      a.    I always use vehicles to travel as I have enough vehicles at   home
      b.    If the place is near I will go by cycle and use car to travel so far.
      c.    I will go by walk to near by places or use cycle and get a bus to reach far place
9.    Every year, school gives trees to plant them
      a.    I regularly planted each and every trees I got from school every   year.
      b.    I didn't try to plant those trees.
      c.    Most of the trees which I planted on my home are burnt sunrise       without getting enough water.
10.   Nowadays so many new electronic equipments are innovated for different kitchen and cooking purpose including cutting vegetables and scrap coconut.
      a.    These new inventions  are very helpful to mange the shortage of time in daily life.
      b.    It is better to do all kitchen and cooking works by ourselves      without the   help of these electronic instruments
      c.    If we have new instruments and equipments like this, the life     will be more easy.

11.    Nowadays, the usage of computers and printers are increasing day by day.
      a.    I will keep all information's by print as I have a printer.
      b.    I will keep all information's on hard disc and take a prints as      well
      c.    I will keep almost all information's on hard disc
12.   Are you willing to use re-fillers instead of getting new one?
      a.    I always buy new pens
      b.    I always change re-fillers in time and use the same pen.
      c.    I will use re-fillers in between
13.   The way I use water to brush teeth and wash the face.
      a.    Use a mug and have water needed
      b.    I'm interested to use rotating pipes to use enough water
      c.    I like to use pressing pipes to get water
14.   Now its too much heat and temperature on this summer so,
      a.    Myself and my friends are decided to plant more trees on this    monsoon season.
      b.    It is impossible to less the power of heat, so lets ask them to buy     an A/c
      c.    I wish to go for any cool place in the next summer vacation
15.   If your motor vehicle started to emit more smoke
      a.    Vehicle will give to service as soon as possible  and clear all its    damages and then only allow it to the road.
      b.    If the vehicle became old, I will compel them  to buy a new one
      c.    I’m not carefull about all these things as I' m a child elder ones      are deciding all these
16.   I wash clothes and boil water
      a.    Boil water on firewood and wash clothes by hand
      b.    I used to use washing machine and water heater
      c.    I will use washing machine and water beater in between
17.   There is frequent quarrying  in a mountain near to your house while creates various diseases and allergies comment on it as a student.
      a.    Adult guidance is seeked
      b.    Will create awareness programmes for public with the help of     friends to form programmes against this.
      c.    Will talk against this when I become an adult.
18.   If the villagers are begin to dump their wastes on your surroundings.
      a.    I will tell them not to dump waste there and I will try my level best to clean that place.
      b.    I will do like that because the others are doing the same
      c.    I will tell them not to dump waste there and ask them to clean the place together
19.   Many trees lose their lives for manufacturing of papers. Without taking this in to consideration foolish people makes use of paper for luxurious  wedding cards.
      a.    I make sure that the invitations of marriages in my house will    go out through phones and social medias.
      b.    Since invitation cards became inevitable in our cultural       practices, I will try for that.
      c.    I will give out invitation cards only in unavoidable situations,      the rest of invitations are done through other ways.
20.  When you are in a hurry to get the bus, you see a damaged public water tap with water losing what will you do?
      a.    Even if it hurts, go to get bus without giving attention to it.
      b.    Inform the respective authority any how, and will find a solution for this problem
      c.    Request a nearly person to find a solution and go to catch the   bus

21.   Plastic materials existing with below 30 micrones are harmful to the nature. Straws are of this type which are largely used in bakeries and are dumped as waste.
      a.    I will reduce the continuous usage of straws
      b.    I believe straw is  not harmful
      c.    I will  never use straw
22.   Cancer has been a disease in scarce earlier, but now It is seen every where. Main reason for this is the vegetable added with chemicals. In order to fight against cancer.
      a.    We will cultivate vegetables for our needs
      b.    Buy vegetables only from biofarms
      c.    Use vegetables only after cleaning it plenty of water
23.   What will you do to avoid the old newspapers and books in your home?
      a.    Sell them to vendors.
      b.    Burn them
      c.    Dump them in the corner of our land
24.  While you are playing with your friends in the beach, you see a man throwing the empty ice cream cup in to the sea. How will you react?
      a.    Ridicule him about his doings
      b.    Take the cup suddenly, and put it in to the near by waste basket
      c.    Make him aware of his mistake
25.   I feel proud when I think men are meant to be the sole authority of earth and everything else in the earth are made for him.
      a.    I feel proud to be the noble creature in the earth
      b.    Men should not exploit nature eventhough he has the sole right   on everything.
      c.    Man is not the sole authority, he is one among the creatures of the earth.
26.   Earlier, there have been groves in every ancestral families. It has been a place of biodiversity with lots of medicinal plants and animal life. At that time, people used to adore groves. But now, people destroy groves.
      a.    I wish to protect those groves and liked to live united with       nature.
      b.    I would never like to  live in forest. So I have no worry about    the destruction of forest.
c.    Development in science and technology has changed the standard of life.
27.   Do you want rush to the hospital for any illness?
      a.    Drink decoction from grandmother and will go to hospital later.
      b.    Try to care diseases by conventional methods.
      c.    Will go to hospital and consume medicines for any diseases.
28.   Early morning bath in a pond will give freshness and coolness to both our mind and body.
      a.    I used to bath in a pond or lake.
      b.    I like shower bath.
      c.    Sometimes, I would bath in a pond.
29.   All organisms in this nature are related to each other. It is a permanent fact   that, everything including human beings has to depend each other for existence.
      a.    I completely agree this fact.
      b.    Man has the right to use everything in the nature  according to his necessity.
      c.    Everything in the nature is existed for human beings.
30.  Due to the development of science, lots of hybridized plants and animals are born. For which type will you give importance when you start planting?
      a.    I will give important to our conventional seed types which in      suitable for our climate and country.
      b.    I shall use hybridized types which gives more harvest.
      c.    Give importance to seeds which grow and yield faster.
31.   Nowadays, schools are making agricultural gardens in order to develop the interest of students in agriculture.
      a.    As I don't have any interest in agriculture I would play with my friends during that time. 
      b.    I always co-operate with my classmates and teachers in     agricultural activities.
c.    I will co-operate in agricultural activities only when my teachers compell me.
32.   Because of the heavy usage of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers there is increase in the harvest and income.
      a.    There will be increase in the crops, but eventually this usage      give adverse effect to agriculture so I have no interest in it.
      b.    At present chemical fertitizes is must for good harvest in agriculture.
      c.    Heavy usage of fertilizes is good as it increases the production.
33.   Eventhough the electricity production  from wind turbines is a good energy resource, its working threaten the birds travelling at night.
      a.    Wind turbines should be built in an area without interrupting the       migratory path  of birds.
      b.    Wind turbines should be abandoned.
      c.    We should reflect I ignore the all disadvantages of the wind       turbines, if it is necessary.

34.  Fourteen types of dancing frogs were found in western gharts. More than 100 types of reptiles which are not found, is an asset.
      a.    Ecosystem in the western gharts should be protected without the       interference from outside,otherwise this biodiversity may lost.
      b.    We have no use of such organisms. So any other work shall be    done       there.
      c.    Any work that do not harm western gharts can be started
35.   Elephants and other trivial animals from forest are threat to agriculture and life of humans.
      a.    Every person should work to recreate lost ecosystem of the      forest.
      b.    Prevent these animals form entering the locality where people    live.
      c.    Fight against these threatening animals.
36.   Collecting soil from rivers is a severe problem now. So a person who wish to build a house should be alert in:
      a.    Built the house by collecting soil according to the law.
      b.    We should be able to get enough soil by collecting it with and    without government's notice.
      c.    Reduce the scarcity of soil by making a house according to the    necessity and not for luxury.
37.   Many incidents about killing the stolen pet animals and birds are seen in newspapers nowadays.
      a.    Severe punishment should be given to these cruel people that     they do not  repeat it.
      b.    Be at ease, that they did not attack human beings.
      c.    These cruel people have no hesitation to kill people
38.   The banned Endosulphan bottles began to leak. It should be destroyed.
      a.    This highly toxic poison, should be destroyed without any   damage in our nation.
      b.    Throw it in to the non-residential place.
      c.    It can be dumped in to the sea or export to the neighbouring    countries.
39.   The greeneries of the earth is reducing year by year. Fertile land becomes sterile.
      a.    If I were the minister of forest, I would put forward a law that       each       person should plant certain number of plants in a year.
      b.    It is very difficult to overcome hurdles in these days of flood     and drought. Accepting this fact I live in satisfaction. 
      c.    If I have the power I will constitute an organisation to challenge this problem.
40.  Fishes in the sea eat the waste materials and plastics that are dumped in the sea. By eating these fishes these wastes reaches again in humans, other sea birds and organisms. It will the biodiversity and destroy our ecosystem.
      a.    To overcome these problems stop the production of such   harmful materials.
      b.    Awaring the people that these sea fishes are not edible.
      c.    Should conduct programmes to make people aware of the   harmful effects of the waste materials.
41.   Using prohibited explosives for mining will results in soil erosion and landslip. Eventually rivers get dried up and Kerala will soon become a desert. When you came to know that such explosion are using in your locality, What will you do?
      a.    Inform the respective authority.
      b.    Ask elders to inform the respective authority.
      c.    Won't react even if afraid.
42.  What will you do when you find a Cobra's young one nearby your home?
      a.    Send it away from home.
\     b.    Kill it at the moment itself.
      c.    After killing the young one, find help from elders to search any   other there and kill them.
43.  Today, farmers use Chemical pesticides in their crops which is to sell in the market, but they avoid using it in the crops for their own purpose.
      a.    If I am a farmer, I won't do such a deed which is harmful to     others.
      b.    I think this is the only way to make profit from Agriculture.
      c.    I will use chemical pesticides in a reduced amount.
44.  Many children wished to catch small birds and put them in a cage.
      a.    I used to catch young ones of bird and nourish them with milk   and fruits.
      b.    I will never separate young ones from their mothers.
      c.    Sometimes when I range the birds nest, young ones used to fall, but I never tried to nourish them.
45.  What will you do when you find a cat and its young ones in your bin?
      a.    Give food for the cat and its young ones.
      b.    Kill them before it makes any disturbance.
      c.    Throw the kittens in many far and different places.
46.  For the construction of roads, trees in the roadside are cut down. As a result extreme heat in increasing. What is your action for this?
      a.    I don't feel anything and it helps in the development of our      nation and decrease road accidents.
      b.    I feel sad when I sea trees cutting down
      c.    I can't prevent cutting trees, but I can reduce the after effects by        planting more trees.
47.   You see a person injured in an accident,  while you are travelling in a car, What will you do?
      a.    Call the police station, and  make arrangements to save the      person.
      b.    Will request other people to save him.
      c.    Take him to the hospital in the cars, as fast as possible.
48.  Eventhough smoking is prohibited by law, Many children below 10 years are suffering from lung diseases due to the smoking of elders. How will you react when a person standing near by you is smoking?
      a.    Tell him, smoking in public is punishable  and forbid him from     his act.
      b.    Close the nose and move away from there.
      c.    Wouldn't tell him directly, but blame his action with others.
49.  This generation people have interest to buy mobile phones with new programes in the market.
      a.    Over use of mobile phones will harmfully effect human beings     and other organisms. So I have no interest to use mobile phones. 
      b.    Since I don't have a phone of my own I make use of elder's cell.
      c.    I try to replace old cells for new ones.
50.  The electronic era is growing day by day. This make the people replace their old electronic gadgets with new. It is the electronic waste that pile up at an alarming rate.
      a.    We try to buy gadgets with new features when it is launched on market.
      b.    For decreasing hard work and saving up time we use all  kinds     of electronic appliances at home.
      c.    The use of electronic appliances are  very less at our home.
51.   Today's generation loves to consumes  all kinds of drinks and packeted food available at market.
      a.    I never use such items that cause harmful effects to my health.
      b.    I use these kind of food items quite often
      c.    I have had such items only during unavoidable situations.
52.   The diseases that are caused by the waste from factories increases day by day.
      a.    Dispose such wastes in an unpopulated area
      b.    The factories must take care such people who fells sick out of these       wastes.
      c.    The liscence of such dangerous factories must be suspended.
53.   You are aware of the fact that the perfumes that you use generates CFC which harm the ozone layer. Would you continue using it?
      a.    I like to use spray at occasionally.
      b.    I use it daily, due to its fragrance.
      c.    Doesn't use spray.
54.  The use of chemical pesticides causes a lot of genetic disorders among human beings and animals. What step would you advice the government to take.
      a.    Ban the production and use of such chemicals.
      b.    Provide subsidies and encourage only those farmers and      institutions that organic fertilizers and organise pesticides.
      c.    Relocate those people who suffer from the diseases that are      caused from the use of such chemicals.
55.   It is through T.V ads that people get familiarised and buy all kinds of luxurious items.
      a.    I don't get influenced by such ads.
      b.    I make my family buy all things that are seen through ads.
      c.    I buy some of the items seen in the ads.
56.   The factories that omit carbon dioxide harm both terrestrial organisms and aquatic organisms. What would you do against such problems.
      a.    I grow trees which can decrease the problem to an extent.
      b.    I won’t take any measures against this.
      c.    I protest   against such factories with other people
57.   The CFL bulbs made to decrease the electricity consumption is mixing up with soil and water and forms a threat against the organism. How would you react?
      a.    Restrict the use of CFL completely and would find other   measures.
      b.    I would continue using CFL's to decrease the electricity      consumption.
      c.    I will try to decrease the use of CFL's to a great extent.
58.   Men are aware about the Global warming and ozone depletion well better than older times still the life without A/c and fridge is quite difficult.
      a.    I use fridge and A/c only during unavoidable situations.
      b.    I can't even imagine a life without fridge and A/c
      c.    We don't use A/c and fridge
59.   Today's   generation that is in to the world of mobiles and computers fail to understand the surrounds and social relations.
      a.    I use such technical devices to find new relations.
      b.    I don't wish to live in the world of new technologies.
      c.    I make sure that all the relations are kept even while using such       technological devices.
60.  The production and import of luxury cars with new features drastically changed the life style of common man. This business culture of replacing old with new has become a part of our life.
      a.    Every home must need a vehicle of its own for urgent times
      b.    I have the habit of replacing my old car with new luxurious ones.
      c.    I would not let this luxury items influence me as I am well aware of the       pollution caused by these cars. 


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