Saturday 13 December 2014


Ø Educational technology is a system of 5 M’s – Men, Machines, Materials, Methods & Media.
Ø Hardware Approach – Use of Machines
Ø Software Approach – Use of scientific principles.
Ø Stages of Teaching – 1. Pre-active Stage, 2. Inter-active Stage & 3.Post- active stage.
Ø Mastery learning  [ M.L.S] introduced by F.S. Keller in 1968.

Ø Components of the teaching process
1.     Instructional goals
2.     Entering behaviour
3.     Instructional procedure
4.     Performance assessment

Ø Maxims of Teaching
1. Known to unknown
2. Simple to complex
3. Easy to difficult
4. Concrete to abstract
5. Particular to general
6. Indefinite to definite
7. Empirical to rational
8. Psychological to logical
9. Whole to parts
10. Near to far
11. Analysis to synthesis
12. Actual to representatives.

Ø BLOOM’S     Taxonomy – Founder Benjamin S. Bloom , at University of Chicago in the year 1956.
Ø Specifications
1.     Knowledge – Recall, Recognise
2.     Comprehension – Identify, Justify, Selection, Explain, Judge
3.     Application – Predicts, Selects, Assess, Constructs, Compute
4.     Analysis – Differentiate, Separates , Compares, Breakdown, Criticise.
5.     Synthesis -  Combine , Restate, Summarise, Argues, Discuss, Concludes
6.      Evaluation – Judge, Evaluate, Choose, Determine, Select.
Ø Programmed learning / Instruction
Founder - E.L. Thorndike [ 1874-1949 ]  in the year 1912
Founder of Practical MachinesSidney L.Pressey.
Programmed learning based on the principle – Law of Effect.
Auto instructional Methods – Skinner , James G. Holland
Types of Programming
1.     Linear or Extrinsic Programming – Skinner
2.     Branched or Intrinsic programming - Norman A.Crowder
3.     Mathetics programming – Thomas P. Gilbert [1962]

Ø Models of Teaching
Behaviour Modification Models
Anxiety Reduction Model – Rinn, Wolpe
Assertive Training Model – Wolpe, Lazarus, Salter
Direct Training Model – Lumsolaine
Managing Behaviour Model – B.F.Skinner
Programmed Instruction Model – B.F.Skinner
Relaxation model – Rinn, Wolpe
Self Control Model – B.F.Skinner
Information Processing Models
Advanced Organiser Model – David Ausubel
Cognitive Growth Model – Jean Piaget, Irving Sigel, Edmund Sullivan
Concept Attainment Model – Jerome S. Bruner
Inductive Thinking Model – Hilda Taba
Memory Model – Jerry Lucas
Scientific Inquiry Model – Joseph J. Schwab
Personal Model
Awareness Training Model – Fritz Perls , William Schulz
Classroom Meeting Model – William Glaser
Conceptual Systems Model – David Hunt
Non- directive Teaching Model – Carl Rogers
Synetics Model – William Gordon
Social Interaction Models
Group Investigation Model – Herbert Thelem , John Dewey
Jurisprudential Inquiry Model – Donald Olive, James P. Shaver
Laboratory Method – National Training Laboratory
Role Playing Model  – Famine Shafted, George Shafted
Social Inquiry Model – Byren Massialas, Benjamin Cox
Social Stimulation Model – Sarene Boocock

Ø Classroom interaction analysis Technique – [ FIACS ] Flander’s Interaction Analysis Category System developed by Ned A. Flander
Reciprocal Category System – RCS – developed by Richard Ober in 1967
Equivalent Talk Category System [ETCS] – developed by Earnest L.Bentley in 1970.
Ø Micro Teaching  -Founder D.W.Allen
Ø Audio – Visual Aids
Projected Aids
Films, Film Projector, Over Head Projector, Opaque Projector  ,  Slides, Slide Projector, L.C.D. Projector.
Graphic Aids
Cartoons, Charts, Comics, Diagrams, Flashcards, Graphs, Maps, Photographs, Pictures, Posters.
Display Boards
Black boards, Bulletin, Flannel Board, Magnetic Board, Peg Board
3-Dimensional Aids
Diagrams, Models, Mock-ups, Objects, Puppets, Specimens
Audio Aids
Radio, Tape Recorder , Television
Activity Aids
Computer Assisted Instruction, Demonstrations, Dramatics, Experimentation, Field Trips, Programmed Instruction, Teaching Machines
Ø Mass Medias In Education – Radio, TV, Films, Press,
Ø School Broadcasting Started by – BBC in 1920
Ø In India At Bombay from January 1929 by All India Radio
Ø Gyan Vani – Educational FM radio launched in November 2001
Ø ERNET – Educational Research Network
Ø C-DAC – Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Ø NIOS – National Institute of Open Schooling
Ø PSI – Personalised System of Instruction – by Fred S. Keller

Ø LCI – Learning Controlled Investigation – Robert Mager 

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