Monday 24 November 2014

Education During Buddhist Period

Education During Buddhist Period
          The sixth century B.C forms an important Epoch in the history of the Indian religion and thought. The period saw the rice of two new religions – Jainism founded by Vardhamana Mahaveera and Buddhism founded by Gautama Buddha. These two religions were the out come of a revolt against the cast system prevailed in the Brahmanical period.
          Sree Buddha gave great importance to education. The monasteries was the centers of education during the Buddhist Period. Besides monasteries , there were no other organizations for imparting education. Only the Buddhist could receive religious and other type of education . Other person were deprived of this facility .Biddhist period in Indian education roughly starts from 600 B.C and last for about 1200 years till 600 A.D, during Vedic period education was mostly individualistic effort , were as Buddhist period institutional organizations is one of the chief characteristics of education.
 Buddhist education was based on the teaching of Gautama Buddha. These teaching were so important they remained a source of inspiration for individual as well as social development in India. The influence of Buddhist teaching cannot be undermined even during later periods.
Aims of Education
          The chief aims Buddhist education are the following;
·         Development of Education : The chief aim of Buddhist education was all round development of child’s personality. This included his physical, mental , moral and intellectual development.
·         Formation of Character : During this period in the organization of education specially emphasis was laid down on the formation of character of the students. Student life was hard and rigorous. They observed celibacy laid stress on a life of moral purity.
·         Religious Education : In the Buddhist era , religion was given top priority and education was imparted through it. The chief aim of education was the propagation of religion and the inculcation of religious feelings and education served as a mean to achieve ‘salvation or nirvana’
·         Preparation for Life : In this system of education there was a provision for imparting wordily and practically knowledge along with religious education .o that when the students entered normal life they may be able to earn their livelihood.
·         Teaching of Four Noble Truths : Buddha was primarily an ethical teacher and reformer and not a metaphysician. The message of his enlightment points to man the way of life that leads beyond suffering. The four noble truths are the following ;
F      All earthly life is misery.
F      Desire is the cause of misery.
F      Removal of the desire alone can end unhappiness.
F      The noble Eight-fold path is the means to suppress desires and get freedom from birth and rebirth. The eight fold path consist of the following ; Right belief, Right aim, Right speech, Right act, Right Living, Right effort, Right attention & Right meditation.

Feature of Buddhist Education
          Following points indicates the chief features of Buddhist Education ;
Pabhaja Ceremony 
 Pabhaja was an accepted ceremony of the Buddhist monasteries. Pabhaja means going out. According to this ceremony the students being admitted to an monastery had to renounce all his worldly and family relation. An individual belonging to any cast could be admitted to a monastery and after being admitted, he did not belong to any caste, for Pabhaja ceremony the individual had to get his head fully shaved and put on yellow in this shape. He was presented before the presiding Bhikshu on presentation this individual would pray for admission to the monastery. On his prayer the head bhikshu would administer three basic advices ;
I refuge with Buddha
I take refuge with Religion
I take refuge with the order.
         The aspirant for admission used to pronounce these advise very distinctly. Then his admission was permitted on being admitted, the individual was called a ‘Sharman’.
 Upasampada Ceremony
 After Pabhaja the Buddhist monk had to undergo the Upasampada ceremony. This ceremony was different from Pabhaja ceremony. It was after receiving education for 12 years, that it is at the age of 20 years Upasampada ceremony was performed. The Sharman has to present himself in front before on the other monks of the monastery. One could be admitted for this ceremony only when the majority of the monks voted in favour of the same. After this ceremony the Sharman was regarded as full-fledge member of the monastery. On this occasion or all his worldly and family relationships ended.
Responsibility of the Teacher
 Both the teacher and the student were responsible to the monastery or the Buddhist order. But regarding education, cloths, food &  residence of the student monk, the teacher was wholly responsible. The teacher was also responsible for any treatment of the student, whenever he fulfill. The teacher used to bestow all the affection to his student and used to educate his through lecture and question answer method.
Daily routine of Student (Diuchariya)
 The student was excepted to serve his teacher with all devotion on rising in the morning. The student will arrange every thing for the daily routine of the teacher. He will cook his food and clean his cloths and utensils. Whatever he acquired through begging alms, he would place before teacher. The student had to prepare himself to recive education at any time, whenever the teacher required him.

 The curriculum was chiefly spiritual in nature. It was because the chief aim of education was to attain salvation. So the study of the religious books was most important . This type of curriculum was meant only for the monks. Besides this spinning, weaving, printing of the cloths , tailoring, sketching , accountancy, medicine, surgery, and coinage were the other the subject of Buddhist education.
Method of Teaching
 Buddhist education aimed at purity of character like vedic education. It was training for moral character rather than psychological developments of the students, one has to attain the stage of bodhisattva. Mental and moral development was emphasized. Following are the methods ;
F  Verbal education
F  Discussion
F  Prominence of logic
F  Tours
F  Conference
F  Meditation in solitude
Assembly of learned People
On the beginning and class of every month learned peoples used to assemble together . This type of assembly together was a very important part of  Buddhist education. The purpose of this assembly was to maintain the moral standards of all the monks , because the total education was based on morality. It was compulsory for all the monks to be present. If due to illness, it was not possible monk to come, then assembly was held near his residence. This assembly was quite democratic it has immense moral impact on all concurrent.
Women Education
 Women education during the Buddhist period was out its lowest ebb as the women folk were dispersed in the sense that lord Buddha had regarded them as the source of all events. Because regarded them as the source of all the evils. So he had advised during his life time not to admit women in monasteries. But after some time due to the instance of his dear pupils and Buddha had permitted about 500 womens along with his stepmother admission in Viharas with many restrictions and reservations.

Vocation Education
 Vocation education was not ignored during the Buddhist system of education. The monks of vihar were taught spinning, weaving, sewing in order that they meet their clothing requirements. They were taught architecture as well Education in architecture will enable them to build up new Viharas or repair the old once. Similarly the house holders following Buddhism but living outside Viharas were given training in different types of and also earn their livelihood.

Role of Teacher
During Buddhist period the place of teacher in the scheme of education was very important. According to sutras literature Acharya may admit according to his unfettered discretion, a number of pupils , who would have to live with him at this house for a minimum period of 12 years . He would not accept any fees from the pupil under this institution. The progress shown by pupils was the only factor that determined the continence of his apprenticeship.

Student in Buddhist System of Education
 The Buddhist system like the Brahmanical , enjoys upon the pupil the duty of serving the preceptor as a part of education. The pupil is to rise in the morning from the bed and give his teacher teeth cleaner and water to rinse his mouth, then preparing a seat for him, serve him rise milk in rinsed jug, after his drinking wash the vessel and sweep the place. Afterwards he is to be equip him for his begging mount. He wants to accompany but must not walk to far from or near. He is not interrupt his teacher in speaking even if he makes a mistake. There were also rules for the expulsion of pupil by the teacher.
To conclude the main feature of ancient Indian education are ;
1.       Ancient education from the Vedic. They are supposed to be the course of Indian philosophy of life Vedas means ‘to know’.
2.       The basis of Indian culture lies in the Vedas which are four in number – Rig veda, Sama veda, Yajur veda and Adarva veda.
3.       Womens were given full status with man during the vedic age .
4.       Buddhist education was based on the teaching of Gautama Buddha.
5.       The chief aim of education was spread of Buddhist religion and attainment of Nirvana through it.
6.       Pabhaja was an accepted ceremony of the Buddhist monasteries.
The present education experiment like Basic education ,  Viswa  Bharathi, Aurobindo Ashram, Gurucul Kangri , And Banasthali Vidypeeth, etc.

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