Wednesday 30 August 2023



Celebrating the G20 summit in your school is a fantastic way to engage students in global issues and promote international cooperation. Here are some activities to consider:

  1. Model G20 Summit: Organize a simulation of the G20 summit where students take on the roles of different countries' representatives. They can research and discuss global issues, negotiate agreements, and draft resolutions. This activity encourages critical thinking, diplomacy, and teamwork.
  2. Country Booths: Set up booths representing each G20 member country. Students can create displays with information about the country's economy, culture, traditions, and contributions to global issues. This allows students to learn about different nations and their perspectives.
  3. International Food Festival: Host an international food festival featuring dishes from G20 countries. Students and teachers can contribute dishes, and the event can include cultural performances, music, and traditional attire.
  4. Global Art Exhibition: Encourage students to create artwork that reflects the themes of the G20, such as climate change, economic growth, and equality. Display the art throughout the school to inspire discussions and awareness.
  5. Panel Discussions: Invite guest speakers or teachers to participate in panel discussions on topics relevant to the G20, such as climate action, trade, and global health. Students can ask questions and engage in meaningful conversations.
  6. Debate Tournament: Organize a debate tournament centered around G20-related issues. Students can research and present arguments for or against various policies, fostering critical thinking and public speaking skills.
  7. Global Awareness Workshops: Conduct workshops on global challenges like poverty, education, and sustainable development. Students can brainstorm solutions and create action plans to address these issues.
  8. Documentary Screenings: Screen documentaries or films that explore global issues and the role of organizations like the G20 in finding solutions. Follow the screenings with discussions to deepen understanding.
  9. Essay or Poster Contests: Hold contests where students can submit essays or posters related to G20 themes. This allows for creative expression and thoughtful analysis of global issues.
  10. G20 Trivia Challenge: Organize a trivia challenge based on facts about the G20, its member countries, and their contributions to global affairs. This can be a fun and educational activity.
  11. Community Service Projects: Engage students in community service projects that align with G20 priorities, such as environmental cleanup, fundraising for charitable organizations, or promoting education.
  12. Cultural Exchange Workshops: Arrange workshops where students can learn about the cultures and traditions of G20 countries. They can try traditional crafts, dances, or language lessons.
  13. Global Goals Showcase: Have students create presentations or displays showcasing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how G20 member countries contribute to achieving them.
  14. Student Presentations: Assign students to research and present on specific G20 countries, highlighting their economies, political systems, and contributions to global issues.
  15. Closing Ceremony: Wrap up the celebration with a closing ceremony where students can reflect on what they've learned, share their experiences, and discuss the importance of global cooperation.

Remember to involve students in the planning process to ensure their interests and ideas are incorporated into the celebration. This will make the event more engaging and meaningful for everyone involved.


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