Sunday 7 September 2014


Action research is a method for improving and modifying system of class room in school. The teachers and principal are able to study their problems of teaching scientifically the action research project does not contribute in the fund of knowledge but improves and modifies the current practices. Hence it is necessary to understand the concept of ‘Research’ to have concept idea of the term ‘Action Research’. It functions as supporting device of teaching.
According to Dr. Corey, action research as the process by which practices attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide correct and evaluate their decisions and actions.
According to Mc Therte, “Action Research is organized, investigative activity, aimed towards the study and constructive change of given endeavour by individual or group concerned with change and improvement.
On the basis of these definitions, the following characteristics may be enumerated of Action Research.
1. It is a process for studying practical problems of education.
It is a scientific procedure for finding out a practical solution of correct problems.
3.                 The practitioner can only study his problems.
4.                 The focus is to improve and modify the current practices.
5.                 The individual and group problem are studied by action research.
6.                 It does not contribute in the fund of knowledge or discipline
7.                 It is Reasonal Research for the excellence in the job.


The concept of action research is based upon the Modern Human Organisation theory. This organization theory is task and relationship centered. It assumes that workers of the organization have the capacity to solve the problems and take decision. He brings certain values, interests, and attitudes in the organization. The effectiveness of an organization depends upon the abilities and skills of the workers. The workers will be efficient when they will be given freedom for  improving and modifying their practices.
The origin of Action Research is also considered from the field of psychology or social psychology. Kurt Lewin explains life space in terms of parsons goal. There is a barrier to achieve the goal. It depends upon the abilities of a person to active the goal


1.     Identification of problem

A teacher should be sensitive towards seriousness of the problem.

2.     Definition and Delimitation the problem

After identifying the problem. It should be defined so that action and goal may be specified. The delimitation means to localize the problem in terms of class, subject, group and period in which a teacher perceives the problem.

3.     Analysis the causes of the problem

The causes of the problem are analysed with the help of some relevance. The nature of the causes is also analysed whether it is under the control or beyond the control of investigator.
Formulating the action hypothesis
The basis for the formulation of action hypothesis are the causes of the problem which are under the approach of an

5.     Design for testing the action hypothesis

The design is developed for testing the most important action hypotheses. The design Action Research is flexible and can be designed at any time according to the convenience of the researcher. 6. Conclusions of Action Research project
The accepting or regretting action hypothesis lead to draw some conclusions. The statements conclusion indicate some prescription for the practical problem of school or classroom


1.                 To improve the working conditions of school plant.
2.                 To develop the scientific attitude of teachers and principles of studying their problems.
3.                 To develop the democratic attitude among students and teachers for understanding and solving their problems.
4.                 To bring excellence in school workers.
5.                 To develop the ability and understanding among
administrators to improve and modify the school conditions.
6.                 To make the school system effective for generating a healthy environment for student learning.
7.                 To raise the level of performance and level of aspiration of the student.


1.                 In improving and modifying the classroom teaching,
strategies, tactis and teaching aids.
2.                 In developing interests, attitudes and values of the students towards their studies.
3.                 In dealing with classroom problems and school problems relating to  discipline and code of conduct.
4.                 In improving the spelling errors and wrong appropriation in language learning.
5.                 In developing the habit of completing class notes and active participation.
In solving the personnel problems of students relating to school situations or poor adjustment.
7.     In dealing with the problems of school administration and organization.
The steps and sub steps are proposed by NCERT for
conducting an action research project.
1.                      Topic of the project
2.                      Objective of the project
3.                      The system of the project
4.                      Evolution of the project
5.                      Estimate of expenditure for the project
6.                      Name of the teacher, number of students controlled of teacher, numbers of students entrolled with sections.
7.                      Number of teachers in different subjects.
8.                      The available facilities in school for the project work.


1.                      Action Research assists in utilizing and dignifying the work of the teacher.
2.                      Action Research assists developing professional
expertise, open eyed and open minded scientific spirit of enquiry
3.                      Action Research can assist in the development of reliable techniques of teaching.
4.                      Action Research assist in the development of reliable techniques of teaching.
5.                      Action Research assists in creating new interest and new confidence in the ability of individual teacher.
1.                      Action Research is relatively of poor quality.
2.                      The applicability of findings of action research to another school in the event of teacher transfer is questionable.
3.                      The classroom teacher does not have enough time to conduct

4.                      School administrators are usually reluctant to
provide facilities to teachers for conducting action research.


1.                      The problem to be selected should be based on the felt needs of the teacher and the school.
2.                      The problem should be significant in the sense that it solution should be practical and capable of making significant contribution in meeting teaching learn process directly or indirectly.
3.                      The problem on which the teacher wants to conduct a research in classroom should be specific and limited in nature.
4.                      The problem should be within the competency of the
5.                      The problem should be within the resources of the teacher and the schools.
6.                      Only such problem should be selected whose findings would be utilized by the school
7.                      The results of experiments and research should be used with precautions.
8.                      The first aim of the teacher in selecting a project should be that of the students benefit from his instructional programme in school.
9.                      The experiment or the research should be conducted in the normal conditions of the school


The classroom problems can be solved by employing the action research device. It’s method for solving the problems of teaching objectively and systematically there is useful for improving and modifying the teaching process.

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