Sunday 7 September 2014



The  word adolescence is derived from the Latin word adolescere  which means ‘to grow’ or to grow to maturity. This period is considered as a critical period in development when rapid changes take place. The individual’s physical mental, social moral and emotional out looks undergo a revolutionary changes. Generally the period may be laid to begin with puberty , the outset of physical maturation (12to 14 years) and it terminates when the individual assumes adult like responsibilities usually between the age of eighteen and twenty. This stage of development is also regarded as transition period of uniquely dramatic ‘storm and stress’


Rabindra Nath Tagore – ‘In the world of human affairs there is no worse nuisance than a boy at the age of 14. He is neither ornamental nor useful.
Stanley Hall describes the period of adolescence as a “period of great stress and strain, storm and strife’.


1.                 It is the most crucial and significant period in an individual’s
2.                 It is the period of rapid revolutionary changes
3.                 It is the period during which human personality develop new dimensions
4.                 It is the period of new learning
5.                 It is the period of anxieties and learning
6.                 It is the period of conflicts and complexity
7.                 It is the period of great, stress and storm
8.                 It is the period of acquiring the attitudes and belief needed for effective participation in society
9.                 It is the period of self assertion and boldness
10.            It is the period of self- abasement
11.            It is the period of self-immolation and of sacrifice
12.            It is the period of more complex emotions of admiration,
aesthetics, gratitude, grief, hatred, and shame.
13.            It is the period of sentiments of moral approval and disapproval
14.            It is the period of becoming independent
15.            It is the period of great ideals
16.            It is the period of simple adaptation to life
17.            It is the period when signs of several maturity begin to occur
18.            It is the period of nuisance
19.            It is the period of rapid fluctuation of mood
20.            It is the period of problems of the stresses and strains of transition



External changes

1.                 Height
2.                 Weight
3.                 Body proportions – various parts of the body gradually come in to proportion. The trunk broadens  and lengthens
4.                 Muscles grow rapidly and as a result the body become heavy and handsome.
5.                 Sex organs reach their  mature size in late adolescence INTERNAL  CHANGES
1.      Digestive system
The stomach becomes longer and less tabular.  The muscles in the stomach and intertined  walls become thicker and stronger.
2.      Circulatory system
The heart grows rapidly. The length and thickness of the walls of the blood vessels increase
3.      Respiratory system
The lung capacity of girls is almost at a mature level at
17  while for boys it takes several years more to mature
4.      Endocrine  system
There is temporary in balance of the entire endocrine system in early adolescence. The sex glands become functional
5.      Body tissues
The skeleton stops growing at about the age of 17. Tissues other than bones continue to develop after the bones reach their mature size.


1. Care for building a good physical appearance like standard of living, dress, hair cut etc.
2.      Expectation of appreciations
They desires that others should praise them
3.      Fear of criticisms
This will develop inferiority complex among them and they avoid taking part in activities in the school.
4.      Educational tension
They are often in emotions of anger, pleasure or indifference

Emotional development in adolescence

Traditionally adolescence has been thought of as a period of heightened emotional tension resulting  from glandular and other changes. As adolescent comes under social pressures and faces new conditions for which he received little training during childhood.
Elizabeth. B. Hurlock describes the emotional state of the adolescent in these words” being treated “like a child” or being treated ‘unfairly’ is more likely to make the adolescent angry than anything else.
The important features of adolescent emotions are
a.                             Adolescent’s emotions are often intense, uncontrolled and
b.                             They can express their  emotional feeling in relation to
abstract things
c.                              They develop compitencies to bear the tensions in different
social situations.
d.                             They develop an increased capacity for sharing emotional experiences with others.


1.                             Change of roles of the adolescents in home, school and society from dependence to independent role, with great responsibility leads to emotional disturbance.
2.                             Attitude of the parents towards adolescents, still treating them
as children.
3.                             High expectation from the parents, the community and the
4.                             Difficulty to adjust with the members of opposite size.
5.                             Political religious and social controversies
6.                             Failure to achieve the desired success at school.
7.                             Too strict discipline and lack of understanding.
8.                             Uncertain future prospects after completing schooling


Physical Symptoms

Biting the teeth, licking lips, nail biting, pulling or twisting hair, scratching the head


Aggression, hyperactivity, in alternation, shyness and withdrawing.


1.                             Fear of failure serve as a motivator to work hard for the examination
2.                             Pent up feelings may motivate them to read novels see movies and TV etc.


Emotional tensions affect memory, increase for getting,
disturb learning ability lead to moodiness, irritability, incousisteracy develop anger and fear.


1.                             Proper understanding of the needs of adolescent
2.                             Catering to the individual differences
3.                             Providing appropriate guidance and counseling in solving personal, educational and vocational problems, sex guidance sympathetic attitude, creative and constructive discipline and provision for variety of co-curricular programme.


Adolescence is a period of great intellectual advancement. During this period the  individual enters in to Piaget’s stage of normal operation, which is characterized by the ability to think abstractly.
They engage  in hypothetical  deductive reasoning.


1.      Development of Memory and Imagination
The memory develops tremendously with the growth in
vocabulary. They can imagine a situation which is not physically present before them.
2.      Development ability of problem solving
They can solve problems with the help of symbols. They are able  mentally to deal with events in a world that extends  far beyond their own immediate sphere of activity.
3.      Widened  ability to communicate with other person
They are seen arguing for hours on topics of their interest.
4. Identification with conditions and characters in the larger world
They have the ability to identity with the circumstance and people outside his own immediate environment.
5.      Development of Ability to make decisions
 They develop independence in thinking, they have the ability to think about their future. They can differentiate between ideals and the actual.
6.      Development of moral concepts
The moral concepts become internalized and they are able to differentiate what is good and what is bad for him.
7.      Development of language
The develop correct pronunciation and good usage and correct grammar.
8.      Widened the ability to generalize the facts.
The ability to generalize on conceptual level develops. They can generalize in an abstract way.
9.      Widened ability to understanding
They develop the ability to see relationship and to solve problems of increasing complexity and difficulty. His depth of understanding develops.
10.  Development of cause and effect
During adolescence there is an increase in the number of problems for which they have  adequate answers.
11.  Capacity for inductive and deductive Reasoning
Such methods of teaching are most popular in school teaching subjects.
12.  Ego development
they have the capacity and courage for the heroic  deeds. Ego development raises the level of aspirations among the adolescents.

Educational implications of mental development

1.                             They should be given sex education  and moral education
to develop positive and healthy attitude towards the members of opposite sex.
2.                             The school should provide a conducive environment ie,
good libraries, opportunities for free discussion, community service etc.
3.                             They should be given opportunities for the development of
their creative abilities through music, dance, arts and crafts.


A number of internal and external changes take place in the sexual character is less of boys and girls at the adolescence stage. The most acceptable measure of sexual maturity for girls is menarche, the age of first menstruation. Sexual maturity in boys is determined on the basis of maturity of the public hair and the ability to produce spermatozoa.
Three different phases mark the development of sexual urge
at this stage. These are
1.                             Auto eroticism
2.                             Homo sexuality
3.                             Hetero sexuality
1.      Auto eroticism
They fail relief by handling his own sex organ.
2.      Homo sexuality
Passionate friendship develops between the members of the same sex.
3.      Hetero sexuality
Attachment towards the member of opposite sex.


Adolescence is the period of increased social conforming . The individual becomes self conscious of his place in the society. During this stage they express a greater need for independence  and strive for total social freedom from their parents. They make friendship with those who confirm to their standard and possess the personality trait they like
The major characteristics of social development during this period are
1.                     It is a period of establishing heterosexual relationship
2.                     There is an increased influence of peer group during adolescence
3.                     Group loyalty becomes very much pronounced during this period.
4.                     Co-operation reaches its peak and sacrifice his own interests for the greater cause of the group.
5.                     A feeling of social responsibility develops and the adolescent is highly critical of social evils and injustice


1.                     They unusually have two or three close friends.
2.                     They have a marked influence on one another
3.                     They may also quarrel occasionally
4.                     Cliques are usually made up of groups of close friends
5.                     Dating grows
6.                     Gangs may be formed and indulge in antisocial behaviour.
7.                     They expect their leaders to possess certain qualities like energetic, resourceful, emotionally stable and more extroverted.


Ego identity among adolescents depends on following factors.
1.                     The kinds of parent child relationship
2.                     The previous identifications that has been develped
3.                     The ability to integrate the identification
4.                     His or her new found sexual maternity.
5.                     Aptitudes and skills developed out of his ability and experience.
6.                     The opportunities offered in social notes.

Establishing a strong – ego identity will be facilitated  of

1)                            a sufficient rewarding, interactive relationship exists between
parent and child to permit a positive identification with the parent and
2)                            the same sex parent serves as an adequate model for
appropriate sex role behavior.


There are number of reasons for the heightened covers for the problem of moral values.
1)                            Relalistic demands which requires a reappraisal of his value system
2)                            They make choices. They does not adopt without question
the social or political beliefs of his parents.
3)                            They should be given a set of guiding moral principles.
4)                            They may need to become engaged in matters of broad
philosophical  concern and conflicts  about moral values.
5)                            They may change one or more of his moral standards as a result of certain experiences sometimes traumatic and sometimes involving interpersonal unwanted relations which lead them to question the consistency of his value system.


An alienated individual is one who has the feelings that has
been out of place of in his own society, family and in his culture. His ideas, notions attitudes are opposite to the group to which he belongs. The group does not isolate  him , he himself gets isolated because of his own feelings and attitudes.


1.      Developmental estrangements
It is a sense of alienation or loss that comes with the abandonment of childish ties to one’s parents
2.      Sense of estrangements
It originates from what is felt to be one’s real self or the demands of society, the individual feels that some how he has lost touch with his real self and that much of what he does is empty, flat and devoid of meaning.
3.      Common disillusionment
They share a common disillusionment with the goals values practices and accomplishments of contemporary society.
4.      Economic Deprivation and Ethnic Discrimination
In the case of lower class adolescents who have suffered economic deprivation and ethic discrimination the abrivation may be imposed by society from outside.

Proper education for social development

Social status of the adolescent rises when he learns some
fruitful practical art possession  of the spirit of forgiveness, social service and discharging of other social responsibilities are indications of good social adjustment.
Parents as well as teachers should develop quality of self dependence and self introspection among the adolescents which are very essential for good social adjustment.
It becomes the responsibility of the teacher to train the art of living and helps them to understand inter relationship and intra relationship
Group activities, group games, play activities, scouting and guiding may be organized and should be assigned responsibilities to organize various co curricular activities and parents should give responsibilities at home.
It is very important that excursions and tours should be organized in the schools.


It is the responsibility as well as duty of the teacher to redirect lower types of emotions.
Teachers and parents should try to locate who are automatically disturbed.
Teachers should find  the causes of their disturbance and refer them to counsellor and guidance
Teachers should create a congenial environment for the proper development of emotions.
Teachers should lead the emotions to form the sentiments of
patriotism, nationalism, citizenship and self reliance.


The teacher should plan for the maximum cognitive development of the adolescent. He should plan keeping in view the following points.
1.                             It should be according to their chronological age, mental age,
ability and aptitude of the pupils.
2.                             Teacher should plan his lesson on the basis of the behavioural objectives given by Bloom
3.                             Excursions and tours should be organized to the places of
historical, anthropological, scientifical and for geographical importance. This will satisfy their need of curiosity and need of observation.
4.                             Academic activities should be organized to realize their talent,
fulfil their fantasy and enrich their imagination.


The   teachers and parents should help them in formulating their own sound philosophy of life which may prove helpful in leading their future life without being maladjusted.
They should be encouraged to accept democratic way of
life in all their activities.


It should be clearly explained to them the structures and functions of the sex organs their importance in reproduction and it is a normal stage of development and they should not be disturbed with this change.
Teachers and parents should be  very cautious and to look after to this sex instinct in education and they should provide knowledge of the sex and sex education.
Some of the educators advocated that co-education is one of the remedies to pacify sex curiosity



It is an important characteristic of an adolescent to be an idealist. The opportunities should be provided by the parents and teachers to learn more code of conduct of society and imitate the ideal moral traits of greatmen.
The adolescent has to select a particular vocation in his later life. He needs guidance before selecting any curriculum for the study.
It is the responsibility of the school activity to provide facilities for educational and vocational guidance.


Education at this stage should be given in accordance with
individual difference as they have differences in intelligence, aptitude, interest, attitude, social, and emotional maturity and sex.
The course and curriculum should  be so recognized and arranged that they get maximum benefit.


They are divided in to two categories
1.     primary needs and
2.     secondary needs
1. primary needs
They include the need for sex like need for oxygen, need for water and food, and need for rest and sleep.
2.      Secondary needs or socio-psychological Needs
1.     need for security
2.     need for love
3.     need for recognition and approval
4.     need for achievement
5.     need for freedom and independence
6.     need for self expression
1.      Transformation in to activity school
The secondary and senior secondary school must be transformed in to an activity school because activity has been irresistable  appeal for every normal child and in his natural path to the goal of knowledge and culture.
2.                             Training in the Art of living together
3.                             Development of child’s Entire personality
4.                             Provision of a stimulating interest
Which  will evoke their manifold interact and make life a matter of joyful experience
5.                             Recognition of individual differences
6.                             Responsibility for moral education
7.                             Responsibility for vocational education
8.                             Freedom for self development
9.                             Development of a scientific attitude
10.                        Value of interdependence
11.                        Satisfaction of the urge for practical activity
12.                        Programme of personal education and vocational guidance
13.                        Renter proper sex education
14.                        Provision  for physical exercise activities in school curriculum


1.                             Understanding the nature of adolescent
2.                             Becoming good counsilers
3.                             Maintenance of emotional balance
Good mental health is an essential requisite for good teaching. Maladjustement  between teachers and pupils are caused when teachers administer punishments in anger or without sufficient cause.
4.                             Give opportunities for self study and self expression since they demand independence
5.                             Guided discovery should be the basis of teaching and learning
6.                             Provision for work experience, manual work physical  training
etc to channelize their energy.
7.                             Provide opportunities for group discussion, literary activities, club activities etc, to meet his social and intellectual requirements.
8.                             Proper character, desirable  habits, appreciable values and right attitudes can be encouraged by making them read about great men of history.



1.                             Perplexity with regard to somatic variation
They develop tension towards various somatic variations like puberty
2.                             Problems related with intensification of sex-consciousness
3.                             Child hood-adulthood conflict- neither child nor adult
4.                             Adjustment difficulties with  parents
Desire for independence obstructed by parentail opposition
5.      Adjustment difficulties with the community
Increasing social isolation and rapid technological changes
6. Adjustment difficulties with social discipline unquestioning obedience in the school.
7.      Financial problems
Parents are stingy in providing money for extra activities of their children.
8.      Problem of freedom and liberty
They move away from parents and make company with peer group. Parents do not provide freedom and liberty to children
9.             Conflict between parental aspirations and aspirations of the children
Should understand interest, ability etc. But parents have high aspirations regarding achievement of children.
10.  Classroom conflict
Rigid, autocratic and conservative teachers leads to classroom conflict
11.  Health adjustment
Adolescent with under developed and over developed physique, handicaps, diseases etc. develop various complexes and they found isolated in a group.
12.  Heterosexual adjustment problems
Unnecessary restrictions from parents and teachers, inflated stories and unscientific information provided by films and magazines.


Uncertainty for future vocation when he sees thousands of unemployed youth, his mind gets agitated and becomes rebellious and unrest

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