Sunday 21 September 2014


Institutional  climate is the manifestation of the attitudes of organisational members toward the organisation itself. It shows what the organisation is. It is a set of characteristics that describes an organisation and that differentiate one organisation to another organisation. And it influences the behaviour of people in the organisation. Institutional climate is an abstract and intangible concept. It is the perceived aspect of organisational internal environment. But it exercises a significant impact on the behaviour and performance of organisational members.
Factors Influencing Organisational Climate
1.  Organisational Context: The management’s attitude towards employees is indeed a major determinant to the overall institutional  climate. If management is able to match employee’s goals to organisational goals, it will bring  a positive influence on climate.
2.            Organisation Structure: An organisation structure is the framework of authority- responsibility relationships in an organisation. It clarifies who is to supervise whom and who is responsible to whom. It serves as the basis of inter-personal relationships between the superiors and the subordinates and the peers.
3.            Relationship between superior and subordinates: Every employee has to interact with his superior or boss for necessary instructions and guidance. If the workers are satisfied with the type of leadership provided with effective communication will increase  their morale .
4.            Physical environment: It has been observed that office decor, office size and the physical space allotted to a person at work ,etc. have an important influence to the development of a favorable attitude towards the job.
5.             Values and Norms: Organisations have different cultures goals and values, managerial styles, and norms - for carrying out activities these all influence the institutional climate.
6.            Job satisfaction : Employee satisfaction are very important for any organisation, and it is very important in institutional climate. It gives motivation to employees to work more and more.
(i)                      Open Communication : There should be two-way communication in the organization so that the employees know what is going on and react to it.
(ii)                  Concern for People: The management should show concern for the workers. It should work for their welfare and improvement of working conditions.
(iii)              Participative Decision-making: The employees should be involved in goal setting and taking decisions influencing their  a lot. They will feel committed to the organisation and show cooperative attitude.
(iv)                Change in Policies : The management can influence organization climate by changing policies, procedures and rules.
(v)                    Technological Changes : It is often said that workers resist changes. But where technological changes will improve the working conditions of the employees, the change is easily accepted. There will be a better climate if the management adopts improved methods of work in consultation with the employees

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