Monday 8 September 2014



Test is an instrument or systematic procedure for measuring a sample of behavior by posing a set of questions on a uniform manner.  A test is a form of assessment.  It answers the question how well did the individual performed. It can be either in comparison with others or in comparison with a domain of performance tasks.
            So we can say – a list is a type of assessment consisting of a set of questions administered during a fixed period of time under reasonably comparable conditions for all students.
Purpose of Testing
            The use of psychological testing is to evaluate behavior, cognitive behavior personality traits and other individual and group characteristics in order to assist in making judgments, predictions and decisions about people. To say it specifically list are used for screening applicants for jobs, educational programs etc and to classify and place people in the right contexts. It helps to council and guide individuals and also to prescribe psychological treatment and many more. To get an apt result for the test there is a need to follow same steps.
Steps in the listing program
1. Determining the purpose of testing
            The first step in the listing program is to define specifically the purpose of listing and the type of information being sought through testing. As is emphasized by the firsts standard for list users in the code of fair testing practices in education, is critical that the purpose must be clearly defined and that the list match the purpose.
2. Selecting the appropriate test
            To make a proper selection, we must first identify the objectives and specific learning outcome of the instructional program. This is necessary in choosing relevant test irrespective of the size of the group to the tested single
 test or school wide testing program. Selection must be preceded by an analysis of the intended use of the results and the type of the data most appropriate for each use. When need and use are identified, a list of possible test can be had from test publishers. The users should select test that meet the intended purpose and that are appropriate for the intended test takers.
Points to be kept in mind while selecting the list
*review and select test based on the appropriateness of test content, skills listed and content coverage.
*review materials provided by test developers and select test for which clear, accurate and complete information is provided.
*evaluate evidence of the technical quality of the test provided by the test developer and any independent reviewers
*evaluate representative samples of test questions, directions, answer sheets, manuals and score reports before selecting a list.
*evaluate procedures and materials used by test developers as well as the resulting test, to ensure that potentially offensive content or language is avoided.
*select test with appropriately modified forms or admission procedures for test takers with disabilities who need special accommodations.
3. Administering the test
            The main requirement to administer a test is that the testing procedures prescribed in the test manual be generously followed. When we alter the procedures for administering a published test we loss the basis for a meaningful interpretation of the scores.
            The administration of the group test is relatively simple.
1. Motivates the students to do their best
2. Follow the directions closely
3. keep time accurately
4. Record any significant events that might influence test scores.
5. Collects the materials promptly
1. Motivates the students
            In testing our goals should be to obtain maximum performance within the standard conditions set forth on the testing procedures. We want all students to earn as high a score as they are capable of achieving. This obviously means that they must be motivated to put forth their abilities or else will not work seriously at the task unless they are convinced that the test result will be beneficial to them.
2. Follow directions strictly
            The importance of following the directions given on the test manual cant be over emphasized unless the test is administered in exact accordance with the standard directions. The best results containing errors may prevent proper interpretations and use.

3. Keep time accurately
            To ensure accurate timing, keep a written record of starting and ending test time.
4. Record significant events
            The students should be carefully observed during testing a record must be made of any unusual behavior or events that might influence the scores.
5. Collects list materials promptly
            When the test ends the test materials should be collected promptly so that students cannot work or correct the materials after the time limit.

4. Scoring the test
            Essay tests may be scored holistically or analytically. For both the examinee should be informed of the methods used. Numerical scores added with written comments and explanations are often helpful in providing feedback on essay test performance.
            In the case objective type tests computers and other machines take the place of human scoring. Machine scoring is generally superior in terms of speed and accuracy but less flexible than hand scoring.
5. Analyzing and interpreting the scores
            Test result can be interpreted in terms of the types of task that can be performed or the relative position held in reference to group. Once refers to what a person can do and the other how the performance is compared with that of others.
6. Applying the results
            The object of test is to bring in some change in instruction, educational support or inform some other aspect for which the test was conducted. This cannot be achieved unless the results are interpreted correctly but reported accurately and appropriately to those who have a need the outcomes too must be informed. The feedback that the test administration provides to the test taker and the other relevant authorities are of great importance. These achievement and learning ability test can serve many different purposes in the school educational program. They help to identify the level and range of ability among students – helps to identify areas of instruction needing greater emphasis – helps to identify learning errors and plan remedial instruction. Helps to identify individual difference and helps to provide individualized instruction – exceptional students can be identified and necessary steps can be taken to promote their education through enabling them opt for right course.

7. Retesting to determine success of program
            After applying the results a retest should be conducted to find out the success of the remedial programs.

8- Making suitable records and reports
            The final step is to set suitable records and reports of the testing program. The result should be reported clearly which can be easily understood and usable for future purpose.

            As measurement plays an important role in the teaching –learning process, great care should be given which using test for evaluating pupil. Tests must not be taken as the role basis for evaluating pupils abilities. Test when correctly used and yield more accurate and speedy information.

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