Monday 8 September 2014


The objective type are constructed on educational achievements aptitude, and intelligence objective type test much more precise than essay type tests. The objective types test are standardized this type test mainly used in research work, guidance and counseling and also in administration for selecting candidates for different jobs. The obtained scores are transformed into standard scores which can be easily interpretable and understandable.
R-L Ebel and D.A Frishe (1986) define an objective tent as “one that can be provided with a simple predetermined tent of correct answers that objective opinion or judgement in the acoring procedure is eliminated.”
W. Wiersma and S.G. Jurs (1990) states, “objective items are items can be objectively scored, items on which persons select a response from a list of opinions.” There are three type of objective type tests are following.
1.                 Alternate – Response test item
2.                 Matching type system
3.                 Multiple choice type system.


According to N.E Gronlernd (1985), “the alternative response test item consists of a declarative  statement that the pupil is asked to mark true or false, right or wrong , correct or incorrect, yes or no, factor opinion, agree or disagree and the like. In each case there are only two possible answers. Because the true-false opinion is the most common, this item type is most frequently referred to as true false item.”
In the alternative-response test, one of two responses only one is correct. Some of the common variations of the alternate –response test are
a) True of False           b) Yes-No
c) Right-wrong            d) Correct-incorrect.
For example : The Vedas are the religious books of the Hindus Yes/
1.                 It is easy to correct them
2.                 They are capable of sampling very quickly a wide range of the subject matter.
3.                 They are more suitable for young children who have poor vocabulary.
4.                 They are more reliable per unit of testing item.
5.                 They can be scored objectively.
6.                 They are adaptable to most content areas.
7.                 They are early to construct.
8.                 They are time savers.
9.                 They provide simple and direct means for measuring the out comes of formed instruction.


1.                 Generally they emphasis rote memorization.
2.                 The examinees are not required to apply principles to new
3.                 These are only two choices, they allow a high degree of guessing.
4.                 They may motivate students to study and accept only over
simplified statements of facture details.
5.                 There can be attempted even by those who know nothing of
the subject matter.
6.                 They are largely limited to learning out comes in the knowledge domain.


1.                 Be sure that the item as written can be classified unequivocally as aided true or false.
2.                 Avoid ambiguous and indefinite terms of degree or amount.
3.                 Keep true or false statements approximately equal in length.
4.                 Employ a random occurrence of true or false statements to avoid giving irrelevant clues.
5.                 Avoid double negative statements.
6.                 The direction regarding the answers should be very clear.
7.                 Long and complex statements should not be used because they measure regarding. Comprehensive also and which may not be the objective of the examiner.

2.                 MATCHING TYPE TEST ITEM

N.E. Gronlund (1985), “The matching exercise consists of two parallel columns with each word, number or symbol in one column being matched to a word, a sentence or phrase in the other column. The items in the column for which match is sought are called premises and the items in the column from which the selection is made are called responses.
There are several varieties of matching tests. In the traditional format of a matching test consists of two column. The examinee is required to make some sort of association between each premise and each response in the two columns he pairs the corresponding elements and records his answers.
For example
Under column A, names of certain books are given under B, names of certain Authors are given write down the names of right authors under column C


Budha Charitham
Lord Krishna

Raj Tarangini

1.                           Many questions can be asked in limited time between they
require little reading time.
2.                           Reliability of the test increases as they afford as an opportunity to have a large sampling of the content.
3.                           Scoring is comparatively easier.
4.                           Matching test can be constructed relatively easily and quickly.
5.                           There is less scope for guessing as compared with true –
false tests
6.                           A good deal of space can be saved.


1.                                         They are not well adapted testing for the acquision of
knowledge or understanding of and ability to use relatively complete interpretive ideas.
2.                                         They may encourage serial memorization rather than
association is sufficient care is not taken in their construction.
3.                                         Generally they provide clues.
4.                                         It is at times difficult to get dusters of questions that are
sufficiently similar questions that a common set of response can be used.



1.                                         Keep each lists relatively short.
2.                                         Each matching tests should consists of homogeneous
3.                                         Avoid an equal members of premises and responses.
4.                                         All items of the tests should be on the same page.
5.                                         Do not more statements or responses highly dissimilar in
6.                                         Avoid using matching tests for testing small units of the
subject matter


“ According ti N.E Gronlund (1985)”A multiple choice
item consists of a problem and lists suggested solutions. The problem may be stated as direct acquisition or an incomplete statements and is called the stern of item. The tent of suggested solutions may include words numbers, symbols or phrases and are called alternatives. The pupil is typically requested to read the stem and the list of alternatives and to select the one correct or best alternative” A multiple item of two parts.
1.                The “stem” which contains the problem.
2.                Options or responses it list of suggested answers. The stem be stated as direct question or an incomplete statements.
a)                 The correct answer form
It contains three or more choices but only one of them is correct.
b)                 The best answer form
One or more all choices may be correct but one of them is the best answer the examine is required to select the best one.
c)                  The multiple response them
The correct answers may consist of more than one choices and the examine is asked to identify all those which are correct.
d)                 The complete statement form the stem is incomplete and can be completed by the correct choice. The examinee is asked to select one.
e)                  The substitution form
The word outline the stem is to the substituted by the
correct response. Responses are given are the examinee is asked to select one which can substitute the desired word.
f)                   The combined response form
The choices are different spaces or sentence or paragraph.
The examinee required to correct order of the phrases or sentences.


1.                 They can measure cognitive levels better than true false items because examine do not score for merely knowing whether the statement is true or false but for knowing which is the correct answer.
2.                 They can measure from the most element the knowledge lent to the most complex level.
3.                 A substantial amount of the subject matter can be tested because the examinees do not require much time for righting the answer.
4.                 They are objective in scoring because they key for the correct answer is prepared along with the test.
5.                 They reduce the effect of guessing because there are three or four choices.
6.                 Their format is helpful in item analysis to find out he areas of weakness of the examinee.
7.                 They can be easily adopted for machine scoring.


1.               They donot permit the exminees to express their own views
2.               They cannot measure attitudes or motor skills .
3.               It is difficult to find four choices for each item out of which thir may be plausible in correct answers.
4.               they cannot evaluate the ability to organize any present ideas.
5.               They require more time to construct.
6.               They check only limited knowledge



1.                 Be sure the stem of the item clearly formulates a problem
2.                 Include as mush of the item as possible in the stem and keep options as short as possible.
3.                 Include in the stem only the metric required to make the problem clear and specific.
4.                 us e the negative sparing the amid stem of the item
5.                 Repetition of words in the options should be avoided
6.                 Unfamiliar and difficult symbols and vocabulary should avoided.


1.                 The new type examinations are motive objective in their scoring they are free from personal factor of the teacher.
2.                 They may be very comprehensive and can be made to cover  a great deal more material than the old type of examinations
3.                 They are very easy to score.
4.                 They are more education for the pupils.
5.                 It discourage examine and encourage thinking observation and scrutiny
6.                 They are more reliable
7.                 Objective tests can be standardized by applying before hand to a large numbers of students of the same age group before the actual examination


1.                 The pupil does not have an opportunity to show his ability to organize his thoughts .
2.                 This type of tests are not diagnostic in that they do not tell where the pupils reasoning process goes wrong or where he stops reasoning all together and starts guessing.
3.                 It is commonly said that this type of tests fail to check cramming


Objective type test items require students to work or
select a correct or best answer. It estimate the reliability and validity of the test. Thus no chance for the teacher to show favoritism or personalities It is helpful for research work, guidance and counseling and also in administration for selecting the candidates for different jobs.

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