Monday 8 September 2014




The survey of related studies implies locating, studying and evaluating reports of relevant researches, study of publishing articles, going through related portions of Encyclopedias & research abstract study of pertinent pays out of comprehensive book on the subject & going through related manuscripts if any. The research worker needs an adequate familiarity with the library for any worthwhile study in any field of knowledge. Then alone will an effective search for specialized knowledge be possible. He need to acquire up to date information about what has been throught and done in the particular area. He get maximum benefits from the previous investigations, utilizes the previous findings, takes many hints from the designs & procedures of previous researchers, matches his conclusion with the conclusions drawn earlier & tries to add from his side a line or two to existing store of knowledge.


There are certain purposes for the survey of related information. They are
(i)            To show whether the evidence already available solves the problem adequately without further investigation and thus to avoid the risk of duplication.
(ii)          to provide ideas, theories, explanations or hypothesis valuable in formulating the problem.
(iii)       To suggest methods of research appropriate to the problem.
(iv)       to locate comparative data useful in the interpret action of results.
(v)          To contribute to the general scholarship of the investigators.
(vi)       If pervents pointless repetition of research.


There are various types of sources which have to be located and studied.
Primary sources:-
These sources provide direct description of the study by the person who has actually observed or witnessed the occurrence and carried it out.
Secondary Sources :
These materials include publications written authors who were not direct observers or participants in the events described.
The sources of information have also been classified as direct and indirect sources.
Direct sources
In the field of education, the direct sources of information are available in the form of educational literature of the following types:
(a)              Periodicals
(b)             Govt. Publications
(c)              Bulletin
(d)             Monograph
(e)              Hand Book
Indirect Sources :-
The indirect sources of information are guided to educational literature. These are available in the following forms.
(a)              Education Indexes
(b)             Education abstract (c)    Directories & Bibliographies (d)   Encyclopedias of education.
Advantages of primary sources.
(i)    Correct information are to be collected.
Disadvantages of Primary sources.
(i)    Time consuming
Advantages of secondary sources
(i)    More information can be collected within limited time.
Disadvantages of secondary sources.
(i)    Interpretation are made by another person
The source of data depends upon the nature of the study whether it is primary or secondary.
Survey of related information - Procedure
Some procedures are to be followed by the researcher in the survey of related information. They are set in a systematic order.
1.                 Locating relevant source of information
2.                 Priliminary reading
3.                 Critical reading
4.                 Note taking
The research worker should become thoroughly
acquainted with the suitable library accessible to him the location of their varied facilities and the regulations governing the use and circulation of materials. The selection or searching of the books may not be a simple task. So there are 3 types of card for selecting or searching the location. They are :-
1.                 Subject card
2.                 Author card
3.                 Title card
First the investigator should acquaint himself with the card system. He should be in familiar with the procedures in the library.
Only then he can select relevant materials whether it is primary or secondary information.
(ii)             Preliminary reading:-
After getting  the relevant source the investigator should read the source randomly.
It is  the process of obtaining the most suitable portions form there sources of reading. It is for the later or further critical thinking and reflective thinking.
(iii)           Critical reading :-
In this the investigator made a thorough reading with a purpose that the relevant information can be used in one or other form on his studies.
(iv)           Note - taking
It is not possible to remember all the facts related to the
problem. So he must write all the relevant facts and kept it properly. It is of four types.
(a)              Quotation form
(b)             Paraphrase from
(c)              Summary form
(d)             Evaluation
a)     Quotation form:
(a)              The reader reproduces the exact words of the author and copies the material accurately. Exact page reference is also indicated so that the quotation may be properly footnoted in the written report.
(b)             Paraphrase form
The reader restates and notes the authors ideas in his own words.
(c)              Summary
The reader records the contents of the material read by
him in a condensed form. It is the shortened gist of the vast material found by him.
(d)             Evaluation
The reader interprets the point of view of the author,
records his own impressions and reactions and indicates his agreement or disagreement with the author.
Criteria for good note taking
It is highly disappointing when a note which has been taken after a great search and study is found to be not clear enough. At a later stage the researcher fails to remember as to why it was collected where it come from or what it is supposed to mean. There fore it is essential that all these points are kept in view at the proper time while recording valuable information or taking important notes. The criteria to be observed for ensuring good note taking are
(a)              Convenience or ease of handling
(b)             Flexibility
(c)              Uniformity
(d)             Accuracy of the data
(e)              Ease of assembling
In order to avoid duplication or repatition the researcher should follow:
(a)                            While surveying related literature keep constantly in mind
the objectives of the research work.
(b)                           Use of the cards of convinient size
(c)                            Heading should be write on the top of the card.
(d)                           Each card is used to write specific topic only.
(e)                            Note should be precise, clear and complete.
(f)                             Reference or bibliography are to be written at the end of the eachcard
(g)                            Cards are filed together based on the topic
(h)                           Para phase, quotions, summary and evaluation are collected
(i)                              First turn to the summary of the journal or the article.
(j)                              Consult other libraries also
(k)                           Start your survey by going through the most recent of the
important studies.
Steps adopted by the investigator to make the sruvey of the related literature in a profitable manner. v Donot dispose of the work of survey in a hurry v Donot rely too heavily upon secondary class. v Should know the objectives of the research. v Should use both primary & Secondary notes. v Always keep the cads with the investigator. v Donot copy too much material on note cads.


As the investigator goes through the related literature, the bibliography begins to take shape. With the progress in the survey of related literature, the bibliography becomes more pertient, selected and annotated. It will also become the basis for the content of the chapter or section on prevous research in the final report. The scientific report is duty bound to helpt in estblishing a continuity of study and investigation in the research area in which he is working. A highly useful and upto date material is handed over to the next student if the final bibliography is inclusive and well annotated. The investigator must find out the reference books relevant to his field of work. It is very rewarding both from the point of view of general scholarship and expertise, to go through these authoritative books. It provides information on institutional publications of regional educational associations, educational directories, government documents new items etc.


Availability of adequate information about educational thought and research doesnot by itself lead to possession of its knowledge by the researcher. Inspite of being very keen to possess up-to-date and information regarding his field and trying had to be posted upto date and a reasearch worker may fail to get enough information due to the non existence of such information.

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