Sunday 7 September 2014


           David Ausubel an Americal educator contrasts reception learning with rote learning or blind memorization. Whatever is acquired by students without adequate comprehension is not assimilated. It is soon forgotten. The meaning fullness of learning doesnot lie merely on the mode of learning. Ausubel points out that in meaningful reception learning or expository methods, the learner actively associates the substances of new chains concepts and so forth with relevant components of previous learning.
Reception lg : is an orgnaiztaion of the events of instruction that relies primarily on the teacher, or on resources materials to instruct the learner to direct his attention, form relationships for him, selected information for him and even tell him answers at each step of the learning sequences.
Reception learning follows deductive method. Lg through lectures is usually receptive in nature. So also is programmed instruction.
Ausobel like Bruner believes that people learn by organizing new information placing it into coding system. Ausubal calls the general concept of the top of the coding system. The subsummer because all other concepts are subsumed under it. Ie, Meaning reception approach moves from general to specific.
1.                 It calls for a great deal of interaction b/n the teachers and the students.
2.                 It makes greater use of examples. Example may include drawings, diagrams or pictures.
3.                 It is deductive
4.                 It is sequential
Ausubel uses same term that was used by Piaget & Bruner. An individual is likely to form on the basis of experience a structure of thought namely cognitive structure.
When an individual cognitive structure of various discipline, a making process starts. There is a Hieraschy of organization in every discipline where by board and abstract concept are placed at the top and elemental concepts are placed lower depending upon the levels of complexity. A sort of pyramidal structure is formed. Every time a teacher introduce a new concept an information processing exercise arises. An intellectual mapping takes place when there is a potential fit b/n the existing cognitive structure of a discipline understanding takes place. Therefore, while presenting information verbally a teacher has to employ words. Has to employe words so skillfully that the Irn: will not encounter any difficulty in looking the new knowledge with the existing structure.
Ausubel mentions two important principles in curriculum framing.
(i)                 Progressive Differential
(ii)              Integrative Reconciliation
Progressive differentiation is a statement of he broad outline of a topic, followed by specific details.
Integrative reconciliation refers to he deliberate linking process of new idea and information to the previously learned constant. This us known as sequential curriculum knowledge in always sequential.
Advanced organizers : - Principles of subsumption
Meaningful learning is most likely to occur when there is a potential fit b/n the students cognitive structure and the materials to be learned use of an advance organizer is meant to make this more likely.
“Advance Organizes are special introductory statements which are sufficiently fundamental, abstract and inclusive that they can subsume and serve as Anchoring leads for the information to be learned.
Advanced organizers can take three forms
(i)                               The definition of a concept
(ii)                             An analogy comparing new material with some well known example or
(iii)                          A generalization
The organizer act as a kind of conceptual Bridge b/n new material and old. There are two types of Advanced Organiers.
Expository orgaizers provide a broad generalization within which a no: of sub-classes or species are presented.
Comparative organizers are designee to integrate new concepts with similar concepts found in the cognitive structure. They also help a learner to discriminate b/n the familiar and new concepts. Two concepts may similarities as well as differences.
The three purpose of advanced organizers are
(i)                      They direct attention of what is important in the upcoming material.
(ii)                   They highlight relationship among ideals that will be presented.
(iii)                 They remind you of things you already know that will be relevant when you encounter the new material.
Sub ordinate content
Once you have presented an Advanced organizer the next step is to organize the subordinate content in terms of basic similarities and differences. The you will need to provide examples of the various sub concepts.  Finally you will need to help the students see the relationships b/n the examples and the general ideas given in the advanced organizer.
i)                     Children must fist learn key concepts through “receptive lg” for problem solving and discovery method to be effective.
ii)                   Primary children learn best with hands on activities
iii)                Avoid rote memoraization but when necessary use nemonics or check information.

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