Monday 8 September 2014



There is every need for clear, forceful expression in reporting the results of an educational investigation. In many instances, worth while results secured from an experiment or study have been rendered comparatively ineffective through a careless and inadequate style of writing and organization. Undoughtedly there is a close relation between clear thinking and a well organized, effective style of writing. The most fundamental element in determining the value of a research report is the scientific character of the material presented.
Monroe and Engel hart have stated – “The report of an investigation not only serves to record and communicate the procedure and the result but it also fulfills an important function in the process of research. In the act of writing, if it is well-done, the research worker refines his thinking, and the detailed record facilitates the critical testing of the work done. If he is interested in communicating his work to others the report must be well written in order to fulfill that purpose effectively.
A research report usually follows a fairly standardized pattern; the following outline presents the usual sequence of various sections
A.    Preliminary section or front matter
1.                 Title page
2.                 Approval sheet
3.                 Acknowledgments (if any)
4.                 Preface of forward
5.                 Table of contents
6.                 List of tables  (if any)
7.                 List of figures (if any)
B.    Main body of the report
1.                 Introduction
a.                 Statement of the problem
b.                 Significance of the problem
c.                  Purpose of the study
d.                 Assumptions and delimitations
e.                  Definition of important terms
f.                   Statement of hypothesis
g.                 Assumptions underlying  the hypothesis
2.                 Review of related literature or Analysis of previous research
3.                 Design of the study
a.                 Procedures used
b.                 Methods of gathering data
c.                  Description data gathering instruments
4.                 Presentation and analysis of data
a.                 Text
b.                 Tables
c.                  Figures
5.                 Summary and conclusion
a.                 Brief restatement of problem and procedures
b.                 Description of procedures used
c.                  Principal findings and conclusions
d.                 Recommendations for further research
6.                 Reference section
a.                 Bibliography
b.                 Appendix
c.                  Index, if any


The Title Page
Several pages of preliminary material precede  the body of a report in a dissertation. The first page of the report  is the title page. Although title page forms differ from one institution to another, they usually include (1)   the name of the topic or the title of  the study, 2) full name of the candidate and his previous academic background,
(3)  name  of the faculty and institution to which the report is submitted, (4) degree for which the report is presented, (5) the date of presentation. These items are centered between the margins of the page and no terminal punctuation is used. The title is presented in capital letters, but only the initial letters of principal words are capitalized in other items. If the title extends beyond one line, it is double-spaced and placed in an inverted pyramid style.
If the institution requires an approval sheet, a page of the dissertation allotes space for the necessary certificate and the signatures of the supervisor or the members of the dissertation committee.
The acknowledgment page is largely a matter of courtesy. The investigator acknowledges the guidance and assistance he has received in carrying out the study. It conveys indebtedness for the professional academic and administrative assistance received by him.
Sometimes a preface or foreword, one or two pages long, follows the acknowledgment page, containing some initial remarks and perhaps a brief statement of the scope, aim and general character of the research.
It occupies a separate page or pages, gives the readers a bird’s eye view of the report and enables them to locate quickly each section of it. It includes in it the chapter headings, the major subdivisions of the chapters and sometimes the topics within the subdivisions of the chapters and sometimes the topics within the subdivisions.
If the tables and figures from a part of the report, their lists are on separate pages. The full titles of figures and tables, worded exactly as they appear in the text, are presented with corresponding numbers and page locations.
The body of the report contains a number of divisions
1)    Introduction
It serves as an orientation to the investigation. In the introduction you state and analyze the nature of the problem and develop an foundation for your investigation. It usually includes a statement of the factors leading up to the choice of the problem. The purposes of the study, the value and the significants attached to the problem by the investigator as a contribution to education and any information to express the sincerity of the investigator in his selection.
A statement and elucidation of the problem sometimes forms a part of the introduction, but more often it is set up as a separate chapter. If the problem is stated in a clear in sight into the study from the very beginning.
The background of the problem under study is thoroughly provided in the first pages of the chapter of introduction. After stating the problem, justification of its study is developed by giving its significance and importance.
The importance of the investigation will be further highlighted by enlisting purposes and objectives of the study.
Any technical assumption behind the investigation will also be clearly stated.The exact area of  the investigation is supposed to cover must be well demarcated. The sources of information selected and their nature and delimitations should be mentioned and justified.
You then define the terms that are essential to the study or are used in a restricted or unusual manner. So the reader may understand the concepts employed. It gives the reader a clear concepts of the scope of the study and the precise explanation offered for the problem.
Then the investigator gives the hypothesis he has formulated for the purpose of collecting further evidence for the verification of the same.
The hypothesis are formulated only after some experience and evidence. Any assumptions underlying the same or restrictions placed on the same are also stated in order to built essential justification of the same.
2.                 Review of related literature
The selection reviews the important literature related to the study previous research studies are abstracted, and significant writings of authorities in the area under study are reviewed. This part of the reports provides a background for the development of the present study and brings the reader up to date. Since further research is based upon everything that is known about a problem this selection gives evidence of the investigators knowledge of the field.
3.                 Design of the study
The third section explains the design of the study in detail. It gives an accurate, detailed description of how the work was done. Our objective is to provide and explanation that will enable the reader to repeat the investigation to check its findings. We may present (1) a definition of the population and an explanation of why the population is relevant for the study.
(2)  the rational of the size of the sample (3) how the sample was selected (4) data that describe characteristics of the subjects that are relevant to the problem (5) number of subjects who declined to participate , dropped out, or did not participate in all parts of the study and why, (6) where, when and what type of data where collected and by what instruments ; (7) The number of times and order in which the instruments where used and the time allotted to each data collection session; (8) the rationale for selecting the design- the assumptions made, experimental control , established, how subjects and treatments were assigned to groups,  and how variables were manipulated; (9) the verbal or written directions and the briefings and debriefing given the subjects. (10) the characteristics of the interviewers or observers and how they were trained. (11)  the types of data analysis made the reasons for choosing the particular statistical procedures employed and the level of significance selected. (12) How the data will be presented. (13) An account on the pilot study (14) An explanation of Any method that were employed and abandoned because they proved to be inadequate or valueless and (15) Suggestions for improving the procedures in further studies.
There are various methods and techniques of data gathering. The methods and techniques preferred by the investigator for his study have to be justified and described in detail. These methods and techniques have to be determined in the light of the nature of the problem and the sources of relevant data.
Well-known data-gathering instruments and readily available apparatus are described briefly and references are listed to reveal where more detailed discussions may be found, But if new  apparatus or instruments or variations of  old ones are employed, detailed descriptions and drawings of them and clear explanations of how they were used are given.
The data analysis and interpretation may either be presented in separate chapters or may be integrated and presented in one chapter. The data are presented in tables and figures accompanied by textual discussion. The tables and figures are constructed and listed in such a way that they clarify significant relationships and become self explanatory. Tables which are Complex and lengthy should be placed in appendix otherwise the continuity of textual discussion gets broken. In the textual discussion of the data, the report should not repeat all the detailed information that is provided in the tables and figures. One should only point to important facts and relationships to give meaning to the data. The formula and statistical procedures used in the analysis of the data should be clearly specified and explained in detail. Any weakness in the research design, tools, techniques or population that have come to light during the conduct of the study should be discussed frankly along with the manner in which the factors may have affected the findings  of the study.
5.                 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
The summary and conclusion section reviews all the information that has been presented in its previous sections. Most readers scan this section of the report first to get an over view of the study and to determine its utility to them. If the study is of some utility to them, they go through the remaining chapters also.
6.                 REFERENCE SECTION
It includes bibliography and appendix. The bibliography follows the main body of the report. The bibliography is a record of sources and materials that have been used for the study. If the number of references is large , the researcher may divide the bibliography  into various sections, one for books, one for periodicals and journals, and possibly one for reports and special documents.
An appendix follows the bibliography. All the relevant supporting unwidely materials, that are important but not essential to the understanding of the report are presented in the appendix. These materials include questionnaires, copies of covering letters used, evaluation sheets, check lists, courses of study long quotations, documents, tests, interview forms and raw data.


The presentation of the research report should be creative, logical and concise making use of simple common words and sentence structure whenever possible. Its language should be formal and straight forward, avoiding slang, proverbialor discourteous phrases. The personal pronouns I, we, you, my, our, us should not be used. The personal pronouns may be avoided by the use of such expressions as the “the researcher” or “the investigator”.
Use of Abbreviations
The use of abbreviation, except some universally acceptable ones such as IQ, MA Etc. Should be avoided in the main text of the research report. Some standard abbreviations are used to conserve space in the foot notes, the tables and the bibliography examples for abbreviations are,
bk,bks      – book, books
chap, chaps    – chapter, chapters etc.
Typing of the research report
A well and accurately typed report makes its presentation interesting and meaningful to the reader. The following are some rules which should be followed while typing the research report.
General rules for Typing research report
1.                 A white bond paper of 8 ½ by 11  inches size of 13 to  16 pounds weight should be used for the original and first carbon copy of the thesis or dissertation. A lighter weight paper may be used for other carbon copies . Any bond paper is acceptable for typing the  research articles
2.                 Material should be typed on one side of the paper
3.                 A typewriter with large type should be preferred same style and size of type should be used throughout the report.
4.                 Use a non greasy , fresh and black carbon paper a medium linked type writer  ribbon and a clean type to get a clear and dense copy.
5.                 The right margin should be one inch, the left margin 1½ inches, the op margin 1 ¼ inches and bottom margin 1½ inches.
6.                 All textual material should be double spaced .
7.                 Throughout the manuscript  an indention of seven spaces should be used at the beginning of paragraphs and quotations
8.                 Dividing of words at the end of the line should be avoided as far as possible
9.                 The body of the text is normally double spaced.
The pattern and rules for typing preliminaries main text, tables, foot notes, questionnaires, bibliography ,appendix and index vary slightly, from each other. A detailed discussions of each of these will help the researcher to provide the typist with the necessary directions for producing a satisfactory type script.
1.                 Title page
The title should be typed in capital letters beginning six spaces from the top of the pages. If the title is too long to be centered on one line ,an inverted pyramid style should be followed ,without. Splitting words or phrases. It is not  a good practice to underline titles and include them within inverted commas.
2.                 Preface or acknowledgment page
The headings “preface” or “acknowledgments” in  capital should be centered three spaces below should begin the first line of its contents . The researcher initial are placed three spaces below the last line of the contents of acknowledgement and to the right of the centre of the page.
3.                 Table of contents
The heading ‘table of contents’ in capitals should be centerd at the top of the page. About three spaces below this headings page appears at the right margins. Below this are preface or
acknowledgements, list of tables and list of figures. Then the headings ‘chapter’ appears at the left margine. The initial letters of column headings ‘chapters’ and ‘page’ are in the chapter form. The preface or ‘acknowledgements’ ‘list of tables’ and ‘list of figures’ along with the chapter headings be typed in capitals with out terminal punctuation. 4. List of tables and figures
Following the table of contents are separate pages for the list of tables and the list of figures with headings, LIST OF TABLES and LIST OF FIGURES respectively . Two spaces below these headings table and page ( incase of list of tables) and figure and page (incase of list of figures) appear at the left and right margins respectively
5.     Chapter division and sub divisions
For clarity and ease of reading the chapters of theses and dissertations are usually divided into chapter divisions and sub divisions.
The following are the different sub divisions with in a chapter.
Chapter headings
Each chapter begins on a new page even if the last page of the preceding chapter has only two or three lines. The chapter number is typed in capitals and roman numbers with no punctuation.
Centre headings
Centre headings are used for major chapter divisions. It is numbered and centered horizontally on the page and typed in lower case except for the initial letter of key words.
Side headings
Side headings is not numbered . Three single spaces separate if from the text above and one double space from the text below. Side headings is also typed in lower case except for the initial letter of key words.
Paragraph headings
Paragraph headings are used to indicate divisions within sub divisions. Each paragraph headings is underlined and typed in lower case, and separated from the text above by three single spaces.
6.                 Pagination
Every page of the research report is given a number ,although not every page has its page number typed on it. The title page or the initial page of the chapter , bibliography or appendix does not have a page number typed on it, but a number is allowed for it allowed for it in the series.
Arabic numerical are used to number all other pages beginning with the first of page of chapter I. The bibliography, appendices and pages of tables and figures are numbered serially and consecutively, the following the last page of the last chapter.
7.                 Quotations
When a researcher cannot rephrase a law, mathematical formula, or idea as concisely ,accurately , or convincingly as the original author has phrased it, he uses the exact words of the author. Exactness means using the same words, the same punctuation, the same spelling
, the same spelling, the same capitalization
8.                 Footnotes
As the name implies, foot notes are normally found at the foot of a page. They serve a number of purposes. Footnotes enable the writer to validate and substantiate a point, statement or argument, to explain, supplement or expand material that is included in the main body of the report, to provide cross references to materials appearing in other parts of the report to acknowledge and give credit to sources of materials that he has quoted directly or indirectly and to provide the reader with sufficient information to enable him to consult sources independently and thus to verify the authenticity and accuracy of materials used.
9.                 Construction of tables
Tables are used to convey information. They are used to help readers spot important details ,see relationships, get a brief overview of the findings ,or grasp the significance of data munch more quickly and conveniently than through a long textual discussion. Although the use of the tables is not recommended simply to repeat information adequately covered in the text of the report, the text should contain sufficient detail to support the particular argument being put forward
10.            Figures
Figures are devices which are used by a researcher for the purpose presenting data clearly and concisely. When skillfully used ,they reveal important trends or relationships that a reader might not grasp when examining compton statistical data. Figures do not replace textual description, but they may help a researcher to explain and interpret complicated data effectively to the reader.
11.            Bibliography
The bibliography is typed at the end of the main body of the research report. It is precede by a page bearing the word BIBLIOGRAPHY ,capitalized and centered on the page . The first page of the bibliography has the word Bibliography as centre heading.
12.            Appendix
The appendix is also preceded by a separate page bearing the word “appendix typed just above its centre in capital letters . At the different items included in the appendix are grouped and labeled as appendix  A. Appendix B. etc and listed in the table of contents
13.            Index
The index is precede by a page containing the word INDEX. Capitalized and centered on the page. The first page of the index has also centered heading INDEX

When the final typed copy of the report is completed , it is necessary to proof read each page carefully. The typing errors are best detected by proof reading each line from right to left. A few erasures may be made to correct a copy, but crossing out or incerting words or sentence and typing over letters are not permissible . The correction should always be made by type writer and not in ink . It is advisable to retype the page if there are more than one or two corrections. While re typing care should be taken to accommodate the material in such away so that the last line on the page comes even. If no care is taken, the researcher may have to retype to the rest of the chapter and renumber the remaining pages of the research report.

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